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withdraw from eBay purchase - these are your options

If you bid on an auction on eBay and win, then you have purchased the item. However, if you now want to withdraw from the purchase, it is not so easy. What options you have, you will learn in this tip.

Can you withdraw from an eBay purchase?

Generally, eBay, just like local stores, the BGB. So if you have bought an item, a purchase contract has been concluded and you must also pay for the item. However, as with any online purchase, you have the option to revoke the purchase.
  1. The possibility of revocation comes from the fact that you could not view the item in the online purchase before. So if you have received the article and this does not correspond to what you expected, you can send it back to the sender without giving any reason and demand your money back.
  2. Simply contact the seller and indicate that you want to withdraw from the purchase, stating the item number. You do not have to give a reason as already described above. Es reichen die Worte „Hiermit trete ich vom Kauf des Artikels … zurück“.
  3. Wurde die Ware bereits an Sie verschickt, müssen Sie diese wieder auf eigene Kosten an den Verkäufer zurückschicken.
  4. Wenn bereits eine Bezahlung stattgefunden hat, sollten Sie den Widerruf unbedingt über eBay abwickeln, da so der Verkäufer seine Provision zurückerhält.

By Sair

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