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Windows 10: Show performance index

In past Windows versions, there was always a performance index through which you could see in a kind of rating how good the computer's built-in hardware actually is. Under Windows 10, however, you won't find the performance index so easily.

Windows 10: Performance index via command line

You won't find an ordinary performance index under Windows 10 anymore. To evaluate your hardware, you need either external software or your command line.
  1. Use the key combination [Windows] + [R] to open "Run".
  2. Now enter the command [winsat formal] into the text field and confirm with the [Enter] key.
  3. Now a calculation of the performance index is automatically performed, which you can then trace in a file.
  4. Now navigate to the path [C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore] and search for the file with the extension [Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml].
  5. You can open this file in an editor of your choice and view a detailed assessment of your hardware starting at line 22.

Windows 10: Performance Index Alternative?

  1. In addition to the command to calculate the performance index, you can also simply use a special program.
  2. Laden Sie sich Win Experience Index herunter und installieren Sie das Programm.
  3. Anschließend können Sie über den Button „Neu bewerten“ einen Leistungsindex anlegen lassen.
  4. Das Programm verwendet dabei die gleiche Skala wie es auch in den vergangenen Windows-Versionen üblich war.

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