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Fortnite: Give away items - these possibilities exist

In Fortnite you have the possibility to buy different items. If you want to give them away, this is only possible under certain conditions. For example, you have to keep in mind that it only works for items you are about to buy.

This is how you give away items in Fortnite

In Fortnite's item store, you have been able to find the option to give away skins to a friend for some time now. This only works for content that you buy directly as a gift, but not for those that you have already purchased. To do this, select the "Buy as a gift" option during the purchase process and then select the person you want to give the gift to from your friends list. You can also write a personal message here. When giving away items, there are a few points to keep in mind.
  1. You must have added the person receiving the gift as a friend in your Epic Games Launcher.
  2. Giving away items is not possible via iOS devices because, according to the developer, Apple guidelines prohibit this.
  3. Zudem ist es notwendig, dass Sie die Multifaktor-Authentifizierung aktiviert haben.
  4. Beachten Sie außerdem, dass Sie mit der Person mindestens seit 72 Stunden befreundet sein müssen.
  5. Sie können als Spieler die Funktion deaktivieren, dann ist es nicht möglich, dass Ihnen jemand etwas schenkt.
  6. Sie können maximal fünf Geschenke pro Tag versenden. Außerdem geht dies auch nur bei Personen, die diesen Gegenstand nicht besitzen.

By Wahlstrom Rezak

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