Chrome: YouTube app - is it possible?
For Chrome exists a variety of handy apps that allow you to significantly improve the user experience. Due to the wide distribution of Google's browser, YouTube was also represented with its own app. In the meantime, however, this has been discontinued, just like all other Chrome apps from Google.
The YouTube app for Chrome is installed in a few seconds.
YouTube app in Chrome no longer available
YouTube is one of the most visited sites on the Internet. This is precisely why the platform is also accessible via other devices. To make this possible, there is now a suitable app for almost every device. Google had also discovered this for itself and therefore released the YouTube app for the Google Chrome browser. The browser offers numerous extensions that allow you to switch directly to the different platforms from the homepage. In addition, these also offer you special functions and overviews of the latest information within the applications.- After Google announced back in 2017 that the Chrome Apps would be discontinued, more and more applications have been discontinued in recent years.
- This also includes the YouTube app for Chrome. It is therefore no longer possible to download it.
- In the meantime, however, you can install YouTube on your smart TV. Die dafür passende App laden Sie im Store des Fernsehers herunter.
- Läuft auf Ihrem Gerät Android TV, dann können Sie auch darüber auf die YouTube-App zugreifen. Diese ist standardmäßig in der Liste enthalten.
- Ab der 4. Generation des Apple TVs finden Sie die YouTube App auch hier direkt im App Store.