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WhatsApp: New emojis via add-on app

In the beginning there was the smiley, but in the meantime emojis have taken over the dominance in chat. Fortunately, in WhatsApp you can boost your emoji portfolio in a big way. We show you how.

If normal emojis are not enough: Third-party providers are happy to help out.

As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. In entertaining chats, this is even more true. There are now so many emojis that they take over a good part of text communication. In popular chat programs such as WhatsApp, the demand is therefore correspondingly high.

Popular and well-known: Several thousand new WhatsApp emojis via Emojidom

One of the best-known third-party providers of WhatsApp emojis is Emojidom. The Android app called "Emojidom Smilies & Emoticon HD" can be found here in the Google Play Store. The app for iOS is called "Emoticons & Extra Emoji Keyboard".
  • The app includes over 4,000 additional emojis without sacrificing clarity. -
  • Because after installation, the emojis appear under their own smiley icon in WhatsApp. Select the desired smiley, send it to a contact.
  • In chat, the emojidom icons provide a special eye-catcher, because they are oversized.
  • Practical is also that you can use the emojis not only in WhatsApp, but also in Facebook Messenger, emails and other communication channels.

Klasse statt Masse: Neue WhatsApp-Emojis von Unicode 13

Das Unicode-Konsortium veröffentlicht regelmäßig eine Reihe von neuen Emojis, die Ihnen auch in WhatsApp zur Verfügung stehen. So gibt es jetzt zum ersten Mal ein Emoji mit einer Transgender-Flagge und einer bärtigen Braut. Außerdem befinden sich unter den neuen Emoji-Symbolen unter anderem eine Olive, ein Boomerang und ein Dodo.

By Otila Streeby

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