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PDF to ODT - how to convert

Before you can edit a PDF in OpenOffice, you need to convert the file to ODT format. The conversion can be done in a few steps and without installing any additional programs. We explain the correct procedure here.

How to convert PDF files to ODT format

If you have a PDF file that you want to convert to ODT format in order to edit it in OpenOffice, it is possible without installing any additional software. To do this, simply use a website such as "online2pdf.com" or "online-umwandeln.de" to convert the file online for free.
  1. Use the website "online2pdf.com", first call it up in your browser and click on "Select files".
  2. On your PC, then search for the PDF file and select it before clicking on "Open" to add it to the files to be converted.
  3. If you still want to convert more PDFs, add them by clicking the "Browse" button.
  4. After you click "Convert", the PDF files will be converted and then downloaded to your PC automatically.

PDF to ODT: How to reverse the conversion

Once you have converted a PDF to ODT format, you can reverse this conversion at any time and save the file as PDF again. All you need to do is open the file in OpenOffice and go to "File" > "Export as PDF". Now, after clicking on "Export", specify the location and a name for the file before saving it as a PDF file by selecting "Save".

By O'Dell Loots

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