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Consorsbank: Cancel account - these steps necessary

If you no longer need your account with Consorsbank, then you have the option to close it. The termination must be in writing. In addition, Consorsbank provides you with a form that you must fill out completely and then send by mail.

How to cancel your account with Consorsbank

You can conclude various contracts with Consorsbank. In addition to an ordinary current account, securities investments, savings plans or other investment options are also part of the offer. However, if you no longer need your account with Consorsbank, you have the option of closing it. For this, however, a few steps are necessary.
  1. First go to the website of "Consorsbank" and search for "account closure".
  2. Click on "account closure/cancellation" in the results and then follow the link provided.
  3. Scroll down a little. Here you will now see the button "Cancellation form (PDF)". Click on it to open the PDF directly in the browser. Alternatively, you can specify a reason for termination and then click on "Submit and download form".
  4. Have the PDF, print the form and provide all the necessary information.
  5. Followed by send it by registered mail to the address specified in the form. Achten Sie darauf, alle Angaben wahrheitsgemäß auszufüllen. Verlangen Sie zudem in der Kündigung nach einem Bestätigungsschreiben.
  6. Die Kontoauflösung muss immer schriftlich erfolgen und kann nicht per Telefon oder E-Mail durchgeführt werden.

By Choo

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