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Photoshop: Add a new font

Photoshop from Adobe offers all the features you need to create graphics and animations. The image editing program is one of the most popular tools among graphic designers and advertising agencies. You also have the option to add new fonts to Photoshop to make your images even more customized.

How to add a new font in Photoshop

If you want to make your images even more individual in Photoshop, then you have the option of adding more fonts to the program.
  1. To do this, go to a website of your choice to download a suitable font. Pay particular attention to the format, as it must be compatible with Photoshop.
  2. Once you have decided on a font, download the TTF file to your PC. If the file is zipped, you will then need to unzip it on your computer.
  3. When you double-click on the downloaded FFT file, a short snippet of the font will appear and you can decide if it is the right one for you.
  4. Click on the "Install" button in the font sample. Diese Schriftart wird anschließend dem Fonts-Ordner hinzugefügt.
  5. Sie können die Schrift nun in allen Grafikanwendungen wie Photoshop verwenden.
  6. Starten Sie Photoshop neu, bevor Sie die Schriftart anwenden.
Mit einigen Tricks ist es außerdem möglich, die eigene Schriftart einzuscannen und anschließend in Photoshop einzufügen.

By Conney

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