Porn videos on YouTube, restrictions circumvented thanks to a flaw

Some adult sites use Google's video platform as free storage for red light material, exploiting a loophole in the service

A cat-and-mouse fight. It's the one that YouTube has been conducting for years now against the publication of porn content. This time, however, the mouse has found another way to get around the restrictive policies of the video platform: a backdoor that allows to upload obscene videos.

According to what the website reports in fact, pirates would exploit a loophole in Google's services to store red light material on YouTube and then share it on their websites. All while violating the copyrights of the porn industry. The Mountain View platform is however used only as free storage: the "indecent" contents in fact are not published, but only saved on Google's servers. And since the material is not "visible", it easily overcomes YouTube's copyright rules.

How pirates exploit YouTube's bug

The technique developed by the hackers, as seen, uses YouTube's hosting service. In fact, the platform gives users the possibility to choose whether or not to publish the uploaded videos. The trick used by some adult website operators to bypass YouTube's controls is therefore quite simple: once content has been uploaded, it is then embedded by pirates on their websites via the domain. Nonostante dunque i limiti restrittivi previsti da YouTube sulla pubblicazione di materiale hot e sul diritto d’autore, questi video finiscono comunque sui server di Google.

Violazione di copyright

La scoperta di questo bug nei servizi di Google preoccupa molto l’industria del porno che alza il dito contro tutti quei siti di hosting che permettono ai pirati di guadagnare molti soldi violando il copyright sul diritto d’autore. Il contenuto a luci rosse infatti, non essendo visibile, diventa più difficile da individuare e bloccare.


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