That’s how cold space is…and how hot the Sun is

What is the temperature of space and what is the temperature of the Sun. Why doesn't the Solar System star heat the Earth's orbit.

Space is the place of the imponderable. Everything is so enormous that it is impossible to imagine. Processes develop along time spans that go far beyond the life time granted to us humans. The distances, sidereal, make the Earth look like something tiny and absolutely negligible.

The answer to the questions about how cold is the space and how hot is the Sun have the same order of difficulty: especially in one case, we are talking about units of measurement really too big. In the course of our existence with our feet firmly planted on Earth, we will never be given the opportunity to experience such extreme environmental conditions, which on the other hand we would not survive.

Hence the difficulty of even "understanding".

In numbers: the temperature of the Sun and that of space

Here are the numbers: the star of our Solar System is a bolus of gas and fire, with temperatures of about 27 million degrees Fahrenheit at the center and 10,000 degrees on the surface. In contrast, space is very cold: -455 degrees Fahrenheit as soon as you climb so high above ground level that you can say, "We are in orbit." The same magnitudes, in a system of temperature measurement more familiar to us, are equivalent to about 15 million degrees centigrade, in the case of the center of the Sun, 5538 degrees centigrade, in the case of the surface of the Sun and -270 degrees centigrade, in the case of the space immediately outside our planet.

Why space is so cold despite the Sun

At this point one wonders why the Sun is so hot and space so cold. The answer is this: heat travels in the form of radiation, even in space, transferring from hotter objects to colder ones. For this phenomenon to happen, the waves must excite the molecules with which they come in contact. But be careful: the radiation heats only the molecules and matter that are directly in its path.

In contrast, space is a vacuum: it means that the gas molecules in space are too few and far away to collide regularly with each other, which makes it impossible for the Sun to transfer its heat by conduction.

Among other galactic phenomena that have fascinated the observers of the skies, the one of a giant space hand sighted between the stars.

Giuseppe Giordano