Tutte le novità in arrivo su YouTube

YouTube va all'assalto di Twitch e presenta tre novità importanti per gli streamer e per gli utenti: Clip, chat per abbonati e sondaggi.


Giuseppe Croce Giornalista

Peppe Croce, giornalista dal 2008, si occupa di device elettronici e nuove tecnologie applicate al mondo automotive. È entrato in Libero Tecnologia nel 2018.

Con tre nuove funzioni, YouTube amplia il panorama degli strumenti messi a disposizione dei creator per migliorare l’interazione con gli spettatori. Clips, subscriber chats and polls will be the three weapons to exploit to create and expand followers, slowly shortening the distance between content creators and audience.

By taking advantage of the newly introduced features, launched with a chirp from the official account on Twitter, YouTube aims to stay in step with the times with an eye to its direct competitor. And it is precisely to this that the features throw down the gauntlet, namely Twitch, the true benchmark of the gaming industry (but which is also conquering streamers who talk about other topics) owned by Amazon. Like its fiercest challenger, Twitch, the platform that came under Google's wing in 2005, wants to aim high in the world of video game streaming, attracting gamers who share their best actions, tips and tricks in live videos or uploading previously recorded footage.

YouTube, what is Clip

As mentioned above, there are three new features that YouTube has recently introduced. Clip, in particular, provides the viewer with the ability to choose short sections of the videos to share with the audience. It is currently available for channels with at least 1000 subscribers; however, in YouTube's plans there is the will to extend it to everyone, regardless of the number of supporters.

Using the feature you have the opportunity to make an excerpt, ranging from 5 to 60 seconds, from what you are watching whether it is previous uploads or live broadcasts. Then, as well as the usual content, the short movie can be shared on YouTube or other external sites, including social networks, blogs and more.

It is an option easily deactivated by the account holder, by logging into YouTube Studio. When activated, you can perform all operations by clicking on the scissors icon in the controls of the player used for viewing. Not negligible detail for creators: Clip views end up in the final count of the main video.

YouTube, private chat features and polls

There is also a chat reserved for subscribers, customizable by the user who manages it. Among the settings, available in the Live Control Room, not to be underestimated is the choice of the duration of the subscription (in hours, days, weeks, months and years) to be able to send messages and access the conversation of the single movie or of the entire channel

Last but not least, there are the polls that allow a peculiar interaction with the viewers, especially in live broadcasts. In fact, you can throw questions at the viewers asking them to express their opinion on various aspects, including real-time decisions during gameplay and involve them in the game in progress. Will these additions be able to give Twitch a run for its money? We'll find out in the coming months.