What celebrity do you look like? The Facebook quiz that steals your data

Social media is full of quizzes like "What player do you look like", often they are just a pastime but sometimes they can hide real scams

We have all happened to participate in one of the many quizzes on Facebook. Questions such as "What kind of partner are you", "What kind of animal would you be" or "What kind of celebrity do you look like". They seem harmless fun games, but often behind these quizzes can hide hackers ready to infect users' devices.

To give the news is the same Postal Police through its Facebook page "Una Vita da Social". According to recent researches not always behind these quizzes, that obviously have no value in terms of results, there are companies. Often, in fact, they are ploys used by hackers to launch their own malware. Cyber criminals exploit the curiosity of users by creating fun questions that stimulate people to take the test. At first, it may seem like the same old quiz, but if there are questions that are a little too direct, or requests for email contact or even simple links to click, we should start to get suspicious.

How hackers operate

The technique used by hackers to infect victims through these fake quizzes is almost always the same: a malicious link, almost always to be clicked at the end of the quiz, which can be disguised under the words "Go to the result" or "to take a new quiz click here". In reality, if we click on that malicious link we will download the malware on our computer. So what can we do to defend ourselves? First of all, let's avoid taking a quiz lightly. This increases the possibility of encountering a dangerous site. In secondo luogo evitiamo risposte troppo riservate e non lasciamo mai il nostro account e-mail su questo tipo di quiz. Specie se ci viene chiesto per sapere il risultato finale, che ricordiamo non ha nessuna valenza scientifica nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi. Infine non clicchiamo mai su link senza controllarli prima, farlo è semplice basta passarci sopra con il cursore del mouse per vedere la pagina di destinazione.

Come difendersi dagli attacchi hacker

Cliccando sui link che seguono, invece, potrete scoprire  suggerimenti, alcuni più tecnici altri più alla portata di tutti, riguardanti la sicurezza informatica e scoprire le tipologie di attacchi più comuni: dagli attacchi DDoS al phishing, passando per le botnet.

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