WhatsApp has updated its feature to send images in chats, now we will be able to do it much faster thanks to preloading on the server
Most users use WhatsApp daily not only to send messages, but also to send images to their contacts. Over time, the instant messaging app has changed the way it sends and shares images on its platform several times.
Until not too long ago, for example, WhatsApp allowed you to share up to a maximum of ten images. Now, however, you can create real albums, to send to a contact or share within a WhatsApp Group, with an indefinite number of images. To make life easier for its many users, WhatsApp is once again preparing to change the process for sending photos and images. To tell the truth, for end users will change very little: the ways of sending will always be the same, but the time for uploading images will be significantly less than before. All thanks to a trick.
Sending images faster on WhatsApp, how it works
From version 2.18.156, in fact, WhatsApp will change the way of loading on its servers. Using a "predictive" tactic, the instant messaging app will upload images to its servers before they are actually sent. But how is it possible for WhatsApp to guess in advance which images we want to send? Very simple: the "routine" for sending photos and other multimedia elements requires that the user can edit the images and add captions before sending. While you are intent on these operations, WhatsApp will start uploading the files to its servers, so as to shorten the time and make the whole process more efficient.
Also, while we are sending images we will no longer see the icon with the clock in the lower right corner but a single gray tick. If we then decide not to send the image, the pre-loading will be cancelled and the photo will disappear automatically. The same function of quick sending for now is not active also on GIFs and Videos. But in the future it might be expanded to these multimedia elements as well.