Over time, programs, junk files, and low memory on the hard drive can slow down our computer, here's how to fix it
Days pass, months pass, and then years pass. And our computer gets slower and slower. Over time, applications, some junk files and all the documents from the Net end up irreparably slowing down the performance of our device. Here are some simple tricks to prevent this from happening.
The programs that we continuously install on the computer are among the main causes of slowdowns and bugs. The more software we have downloaded on our PC, the more chances there are that our device is not working at its maximum capacity. The advice for this reason is to install only the programs we really need for work or leisure. Having apps on the computer that we use once every six months is not a good solution. Sometimes we download software to do a single job and once we're done we don't delete them. In such cases we use an online service if possible, so we don't have to install anything new on the PC.
Watch out for startup apps
Many programs try very hard, while we install them, to fit into the list of software that is automatically activated at startup. In the long run, if too many programs are activated when you turn on your computer, your computer will take a very long time to get up and running. That's why it's important to keep among the software that starts up at first only the ones you use daily.
Beware of malware
Another reason why your computer starts showing signs of slowing down is the presence of malware. There are, in fact, programs that act in the shadows and slow down your PC's performance. They can't be considered as viruses, they are simply programs that aren't useful for our device. To track down these software, just run a thorough scan with an antivirus. And then delete them.
To avoid slowdowns over time it is important to pay special attention to the various updates available for our computer. The advice is to install the operating system updates.
Restore to factory default
In case the previously listed solutions do not work to avoid excessive slowdowns the action to be taken is to perform a reset of the computer to factory default. Before completing this operation, make a backup so as not to lose the most important documents saved on our PC.