How to pay your car registration online

One of the many advantages of modern society, is the ability to make purchases of goods and services online. Among the many things that you can do thanks to the network, today we can also pay the registration of our car from the comfort of the sofa. Didn't you know it? Here's how to do it.

Paying the road tax online is very simple. You can do it through the home banking of your bank, but also through the telematic services offered by each Region and through the Automobile Club Italia (ACI) website. Payment is made through the PagoPa platform, which is managed by the Agency for Digital Italy (AGID). It is a transparent and above all secure system, which allows us to make payments to the public administration. The platform provides different payment methods based on the cost of each operation. Now let's go into detail and discover all the features of the online payment of the car tax, according to what the law says and according to each region.

Since January 1, 1999 all the competences concerning car taxes have been transferred by law to the Regions with special statute and to the autonomous provinces of Trento, Bolzano and Alto Adige. The latter and the special statute regions can confer to third parties the control of the activities on car taxes and their collection, even if certain functions, only for some special statute regions, are carried out by the Ministry of Finance.

How to pay the car tax online

Car taxes since January 1, 1998 are calculated according to the real power of the vehicle, unlike before which were calculated according to fiscal horsepower. In more detail we can say that: the tax must be calculated according to the real power of the vehicle, it is calculated in kilowatts (the number of kilowatts is indicated on the registration certificate). This information is useful for owners of cars, buses, special purpose vehicles and motorcycles. The kilowatt number can also be a number with decimal places, in which case only the digits before the decimal point are to be taken into account for the amount. If the kW are not indicated on the registration document, the tax is calculated on the basis of the maximum power of the horsepower, always indicated on the registration document.

We must know that since 2007 for motorcycles and motor vehicles for mixed transport, the tax is calculated according to EU regulations on pollutant emissions. Vehicles powered by methane gas, LPG, hydrogen and exclusive or dual fuel are excluded. For trucks weighing less than 12 tons, the tax is calculated on the basis of capacity. For vehicles weighing 12 tons or more, the tax is based on total weight, axles and type of suspension of the driving axle (there is a 20% reduction if the axle is hydropneumatic). For light quadricycles and mopeds up to 50 cc (with a maximum power or equal to 4 kw as for minicars), the tax must be paid only if they are used on public roads, with effect from January/December. In Lombardy, since 2014, the annual circulation tax for mopeds and minicars is no longer paid (L.R. 24/2014).

Some things have changed, for example, the fee on the car radio is no longer compulsory, the diesel fuel tax is no longer paid, it is no longer compulsory to display the sticker, but only those who own mopeds are obliged to keep it with them at all times, and finally, the vignette on the driving license is no longer compulsory.

Modalità di pagamento del bollo auto

Per riscuotere il pagamento del bollo auto ci sono diversi intermediari che se ne occupano:

  • Banche e operatori, che hanno aderito all’iniziativa PSP, attraverso l’utilizzo di canali da loro messi a disposizione sia online, che punti fisici (sportelli bancari, punti vendita SisalPay, app e home banking);
  • Poste Italiane sia tramite lo sportello, che tramite pagamento online;
  • Pagobollo online, un servizio offerto da ACI chiamato Bollonet.

Il costo del pagamento della tassa automobilistica varia a seconda della modalità di pagamento scelta e dal punto fisico in cui si va a pagare.

Bollo auto pagamento online

Le tasse automobilistiche possono essere pagate online solo se si è residenti in una Regione o in una provincia abilitata. In base alla Regione si può pagare la tassa per targa, gli avvisi di accertamento attraverso Codice Avviso PagoPa (iuv), gli avvisi di pagamento o il numero di pratica. The cost for each individual payment varies depending on the Payment Service Provider (PSP) that was selected through PagoPa at the time of purchase.

To get started you will need to access and register on the ACI website. From here you can pay without entering your sensitive data and the data of your vehicle, which you will have stored during the payment phase of this service. This will create a personal page where you can check all your previous payments and you can also take advantage of all the services offered by the site. If you do not want to register, you can still proceed with the payment by entering your personal data and the data of your vehicle.

How to calculate the car tax

The calculation of the car tax varies depending on the region to which you belong. For those who live in the Regions and Autonomous Provinces that have an agreement with ACI: Campania, Puglia, Sicily, Umbria, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Lombardy, Autonomous Province of Trento and Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the calculation is based on the data in the regional and provincial archives, which are managed by ACI. For the residents of Tuscany, the archives of the region are managed by the ACI itself and therefore the calculation is made through the archives of the region of Tuscany.

For the regions that do not have an agreement, the calculation for residents is made through a link with the national archives managed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance. In order to know the amount of the car tax it is necessary to insert the license plate without the spaces and then choose the type of payment and the category. The amount will be correct only if the data entered are correct. If the payment has already been made, the program will notify you. If the payment is made by a person who is not connected to the ACI archives, there is the probability that the person is not present at the moment of the calculation and therefore the program will not be able to report the payment already made.

The program calculates the amount of the car tax starting from the first day of the month following the expiration date of the last tax paid.

If you want to calculate the amount for an advance payment, the program allows you to do it by entering the month of expiration of the current tax (you cannot enter the month of December) and click on the "advance payment" item. Per chi risiede nelle regioni Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardia, Molise, Piemonte, Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Puglia, Sardegna, Sicilia, Toscana, Umbria e Valle d’Aosta, dopo aver calcolato il prezzo del bollo hanno la possibilità di poterlo pagare online tramite il Pagopa, aggiungendo un costo che viene applicato dal PSP scelto al momento dell’acquisto.

I dati che devono essere inseriti sono: i dati del veicolo e dell’intestatario e bisogna scegliere il tipo di pagamento per i seguenti servizi:

  • Rinnovo di pagamento;
  • Prima immatricolazione dell’auto;
  • Veicolo reimmatricolato;
  • Rientro da esenzione;
  • Riacquisto di possesso;
  • Targa di prova;
  • Integrazione per complessi;
  • Pagamento integrativo;
  • Pagamento anticipato.

Bisogna poi inserire la tipologia di veicolo:

  • Autoveicoli (autovettura, autocarri, ecc..);
  • Rimorchi;
  • Motoveicoli;
  • Ciclomotori;
  • Minicar.

Di seguito bisogna indicare la regione di residenza dell’intestatario, inserire la targa più un codice già scritto da dover inserire in un altro campo.

Contatti per l’assistenza ACI

Tutte le regioni e le province autonome che sono convenzionate con Automobile Club Italia (ACI), hanno attivato un servizio di assistenza che ti permette di contattarli per tutte le esigenze che riguardano le tasse automobilistiche. È una linea diretta di assistenza a tutti i cittadini, è attiva dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 13.00 ed il pomeriggio dalle ore 14.00 alle ore 18.00. Ogni regione ha un numero per l’assistenza diretta ed un indirizzo mail a cui fare riferimento. The cost of calls from landline and mobile phones varies according to the tariff of each telephone operator.

Citizens who do not live in the regions that have an agreement with ACI, can take advantage of the advice offered by the URP counters of the ACI Territorial Units.

If, on the other hand, they have problems with the car tax, for example, past payments, errors, requests for refunds or exemptions, they must refer to the tax offices of their own region. For those who live in regions with a special statute, the payment of the car vignette is managed by the Agenzia delle Entrate.