Ehang 184 is a drone that can accommodate one person on board and reaches a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. It will make its debut in July in Dubai
In a world, that of technology, which tries to miniaturize its devices as much as possible, the Chinese company Ehang went against the grain and made a drone with dimensions very similar to those of a helicopter.
The Ehang 184, this is the name of the aircraft, is a drone-taxi that the Chinese company presented at CES 2016 (Consumer Electronics Show) and has attracted the attentions of enthusiasts. The quadricopter can really be a small revolution for the transport sector: it is environmentally friendly because it moves thanks to electricity, it is fast (it reaches 100 kilometers per hour) and above all it does not create problems for city traffic. The only defect concerns the battery life: at the moment the Ehang 184 has an autonomy of only twenty-seven minutes, which reduces the distance that the drone can cover.
How the Ehang 184 works
(Taken from YouTube)
The Ehang 184 can be used by any person and does not require great experience with quadricopters. In fact, the drone is self-driving: the user will only have to climb aboard the aircraft and set the destination on the tablet inside the Ehang 184. The rest will be taken care of by the drone: from take-off, to landing, to the route to follow in order not to risk getting in the way of passenger or cargo planes. The destination can also be chosen through the application to be installed on your smartphone.
Ehang 184, the drone-taxi will be used in Dubai
The Chinese company is not at the first experience in the drone sector, in recent years it has made several quadricopters for recreational use. L’Ehang 184, però, è completamente differente, dato che permette di trasportare le persone da una parte all’altra di una città. Dopo i test effettuati nello stato nel Nevada durante il 2016, l’Ehang 184 farà ufficialmente il suo debutto sul mercato nel luglio di quest’anno. L’annuncio è stato fatto dall’autorità ai trasporti degli Emirati Arabi Uniti che ha dato il nullaosta al volo dei droni-taxi. Ogni emiro potrà acquistare il proprio Ehang 184 e muoversi velocemente all’interno della città di Dubai.
Prezzo Ehang 184
Logicamente l’Ehang 184 ha un costo non alla portata di chiunque: per acquistare il taxi-drone è necessario spendere una cifra compresa tra i duecentomila e i trecentomila euro. E per questo motivo si è scelto gli Emirati Arabi Uniti per lanciare i primi esemplari del quadricottero.
Fonte foto: Shutterstock
Premi sull’immagine per scoprire i migliori droni in circolazione
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