What to do if the remote device or resource does not accept the connection

How to solve the problem, by trial and error, that comes with the error message "the remote device or resource does not accept the connection".

You are working quietly, at home or in the office, when your Windows computer suddenly disconnects from the Internet and the dreaded Windows network diagnostic message appears on the screen: "the remote device or resource does not accept the connection". What's going on?

Check your operating system for connection problems and, indeed, the icon that indicates the connection status doesn't seem to give any hint of a problem or disconnection, in most cases, the problem is generated by a bug or software incompatibility that makes it impossible to connect between the device you're using and the Internet. This is a rather common issue that, thanks to this article, you will be able to handle on your own, so as to restore the correct connection.

How to figure out the source of the connection problem

Before proceeding with the attempt to restore the correct connection status between your computer and the Internet network, you need to have isolated the problem. Maybe the bad connection is not an operating system bug, but the source of the problem is the connection itself. Try to access the internet network with other devices, personal computers, smartphones or other devices, so you can figure out what the source of the problem might actually be. If these connect easily, it means that the issue has been isolated to your operating system and that's where you need to go to intervene.

How to Fix Connection Problems

It sounds crazy, but often, with technology, there is no one-size-fits-all way to fix problems that arise. For this reason, going by trial and error may help you solve your connection problem faster without having to call in an external technician.

Uninstall all antivirus software and firewalls that you have installed

First, you should try uninstalling all antivirus software and firewalls that you have installed on your PC, taking care to leave those already present on the operating system originally from Microsoft. Antivirus e firewall possono infatti creare non pochi problemi alla rete a causa di piccole incompatibilità di natura software che rendono impossibile il collegamento tra il proprio dispositivo e la rete internet.

Resetta tutti i parametri di rete del computer

Se la disinstallazione di software e firewall sul tuo computer non ha prodotto risultati concreti e la connessione non è stata correttamente ripristinata, dovrai provare con una operazione di reset di tutti i parametri di rete del computer. Potrai farlo a partire dal prompt dei comandi (Windows+S > "prompt dei comandi" > "esegui come amministratore" > concedi la modifica) inserendo, una alla volta e attendendo l’attuazione delle modifiche, delle seguenti stringhe:

  • netsh winsock reset
  • netsh int ip reset
  • netsh advfirewall reset
  • netsh winhttp>reset proxy
  • ipconfig /release
  • ipconfig /renew
  • ipconfig /flushdns

Inserite le stringhe, basterà premere "Exit" per uscire dal prompt dei comandi. Riavvia il sistema operativo e, se le condizioni di rete saranno state correttamente ripristinate, l’errore "il dispositivo o la risorsa remota non accetta la connessione" dovrebbe essere stato risolto.

Cambia in DNS

Cambiare i DNS può contribuire a capire se l’errore "il dispositivo o la risorsa remota non accetta la connessione" è o meno legato a questo elemento. The procedure is as follows: Windows+S > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change Card Settings > Right-click on the connection you are using > Properties >Locate and highlight "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)  > Properties > "Use the following DNS server addresses" to set your preferred DNS. To replace the automatic DNS, it is recommended to enter Google DNS (Preferred DNS Server: 8.8.8 Alternative DNS Server: or CloudFlare DNS (Preferred DNS Server: 8.8.8 Alternative DNS Server:

Updating Windows 10

If, despite all the attempts put into practice so far, the error should still be present, you may need to re-install the operating system, while making sure that you have made a full backup of the data contained in your computer. This last and final operation will return your computer to its initial state and if, as you thought, the "remote device or resource won't accept connection" problem was due to system bugs, these should be fixed and the connection correctly restored.