Hyperloop, supersonic train will connect Europe in 10 minutes. Photo

A futuristic transportation network similar to the one envisioned by Hyperloop One. Dirk Ahlborn, CEO of the company, assures: "We have solved every technical problem"

2016 is the year that has brought almost everyone closer to the topic of mobility. For years we've been talking about electric cars and self-driving cars, but never before has the theme seemed so close to being fully realized as in the past year. And we're not just talking about private vehicles but also, and above all, public transport.

The Hyperloop TT projects. Some people may have heard of the Hyperloop One project. It is a series of futuristic trains capable of traveling up to 1200Km/h. It is a magnetic levitation train that travels inside a tube and can reach 1200 km/h. The first routes are expected to connect the city of Dubai with Abu Dhabi in 12 minutes, with Riyadh in 48 minutes and with Doha in just 23 minutes. There are several companies involved in similar projects, less famous but closer to us is Hyperloop Transportation Technologies. The company is seeking contracts with several Eastern European countries.

From Bratislava to Prague in just 10 minutes

(Taken from YouTube)

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies is looking for several funding in the United Arab Emirates and Eastern Europe. The latest news is that an agreement has been reached with Slovakia and the Czech Republic to build a futuristic transportation network between Bratislava, Brno and Prague. The 354 kilometers that separate Prague from Bratislava according to HTT will be covered in just 10 minutes. Brno, an important stopover point for both countries, will also be connected as an intermediate stop. La linea Brno-Praga non sarà l’unica ad essere realizzata in Europa: Hyperloop One ha da poco instaurato rapporti di collaborazione con il governo finlandese per collegare Helsinki a Stoccolma in meno di 30 minuti.

I problemi più grandi sono burocratici


Per sapere qualche informazione in più su Hyperloop, clicca sull’immagine

Sembra un’idea da film di fantascienza eppure stando a sentire il CEO di HTT Dirk Ahlborn i problemi più grandi non riguardano la costruzione della rete di trasporto. “Abbiamo risolto tutti i problemi di tipo tecnico – ha dichiarato Ahlborn – è ora cruciale per noi collaborare con i governi in tutto il mondo. È importante per Hyperloop lavorare direttamente con le autorità in questa fase dello sviluppo, le nuove regole dovranno essere scritte appena inizieremo a costruire i sistemi in Slovacchia, negli Emirati e in altre zone”. Se il 2016 è l’anno che ci ha abituato a un nuovo concetto di mobilità il 2017 potrebbe farci toccare con mano questi nuovi progetti.


Clicca sull’immagine per scoprire il ruolo che l’Italia avrà nel progetto Hyperloop

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