All-inclusive internet offers: how they work and when they are convenient

All-inclusive internet offers, with average prices between 26 and 40 euros, propose flat promotions for home connection, unlimited voice traffic, as well as a mobile sim

Internet, calls and more and more often also a sim with minutes and Giga to surf outside the home, all-inclusive internet offers have changed according to the new needs of users. The novelty of recent years is the combination with a mobile promo together with the flat internet plan with unlimited voice traffic.

In general, all-inclusive internet offers are the ones preferred by those who continue to use the home phone for their calls in Italy and abroad. Infatti spesso nelle tariffe tutto compreso vengono offerti un tot di minuti per conversare con fissi e cellulari nell’UE e in alcuni casi anche in USA o Canada.

Le proposte degli operatori: da 27 € a 35 € al mese

Anche le promozioni di questo tipo hanno diverse fasce di prezzo e di servizi accessori che differenziano le proposte degli operatori. Ad esempio, le tariffe per un’offerta internet flat in ADSL o fibra con il traffico telefonico illimitato partono dai 26.98 € della proposta Wind Fibra 1000 fino ai 35 € dell’offerta Super Fibra di Tim. A modificare le condizioni economiche sono la qualità della connessione e i servizi aggiuntivi proposti con i piani.
La FTTH ancora non è una tecnologia che copre tutto il territorio nazionale e qualora non fosse disponibile nella zona in cui vuole attivare una promozione fibra tutto incluso potrebbero addebitare dei costi maggiori per l’attivazione di soluzioni fibra misto rame o ADSL.

Le proposte di Tim e Wind

La nuova promozione per la fibra ad un 1 Gigabit/s di Tim include nel piano una sim e un’offerta mobile che per 10 € al mese propone 20 GB per navigare in Italia e 6 GB da usare in UE. Wind 1000 invece prevede l’associazione di un piano mobile sono per i clienti che possiedano già un numero cellulare dell’operatore.
La promo estiva di questo operatore arriva ad associare all’offerta internet casa una tariffa mobile con 100 GB attivabile su 4 dispositivi della famiglia. Ma con questa soluzione le chiamate dal fisso saranno a consumo (0.23 € al minuto).

La promozione di Vodafone

Vodafone ha un prezzo simile a quello proposto da Wind e nella sua promozione con internet ad 1 Gigabit/s in fibra, con Vodafone Ready e chiamate da e verso la rete fissa e i cellulari nazionali a 27.90 € also has included a sim with 30GB in 4.5G per month to surf outside the home.

The offer of Fastweb

Then there is the offer of Fastweb that has an all-inclusive internet plan for home at  24.95 €, but it is the price in promotion normally this plan costs 29.95 €. If to the connection up to 1 Gigabit/s in fiber or 20 Mega with ADSL and calls to landlines you want to add voice traffic from the home phone to cell phones and the Fastweb Mobile package with 50 GB and unlimited minutes, the price will be 34.87 for 1 year and then 39.87 € per month.

To whom they are convenient: streaming movies and "heavy" downloads

These all inclusive Adsl or fiber internet packages are convenient for those who constantly use the connection, often download heavy files, use tools such as Skype or VOIP service for calls, maybe they are subscribers to streaming platforms or have made smart their home.

Online gaming

Then maybe there are those who have teenage children fond of gaming or those who work from home and use software that need constant updates. By now, even paying bills or checking one's bank account is done online by many Italians, so having an always-on connection has become normal for most users.

All-inclusive offers: why they are sometimes cheaper than internet-only offers

More generally, if you compare with the average prices of proposals to activate only the internet connection, these are often less convenient from an economic point of view. For example, the internet plan Vodafone Unlimited without the package of calls from fixed costs only € 2 less per month, if you consider that with the consumer solution the rate is 0.19 € response charge and 0.19 € per minute if the user in a month makes a call of 10 minutes has already spent more than the amount required for the flat rate. The same goes for Tim, which charges €0.19 connection charge and €0.19 per minute for voice traffic from landlines; in this case the inclusion of unlimited calls is more expensive (€5 per month), but with the Super option you can also have free voice traffic.

Voice proposals and minutes to foreign countries

The options for unlimited voice traffic, especially to foreign countries, should not be underestimated. In fact, over 50 million Italians live in the world, including expatriates and those born abroad. The Caritas Migrantes Foundation has used data from the Italian Registry of Italians living abroad, AIRE, ISTAT data and those of the Internal Revenue Service and other entities to photograph this Italy outside its national borders. The Italians in the World Report shows that in 2018 alone there were more than 5 million Italians residing in a foreign country. Among the destinations chosen by those who emigrated in the last 15 years are Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Belgium and even Switzerland. If you look beyond Europe, there are also the United States, Argentina and Brazil. All-inclusive plans that also include preferential tariff plans for calls to the EU take on a different perspective in the light of this data.

The online habits of Italians

It is not surprising that these offers are increasingly elaborate and widespread given the results of the Istat report on Internet use in Italy. Over the course of ten years, underlines the Institute of Statistics, there has been a clear reduction in the number of people who have never used the Internet. According to the measurements have gone from 63% to 32.7% of Italians who have never connected to the network. A decrease of more than 30 percentage points that was counterbalanced by the increases recorded among regular Internet users (+28.9%) and the so-called strong users (+29.9%).

Increases the use of the Internet for games and online shopping

Istat also investigated what are the activities carried out by those who regularly use the Internet by dividing the sample by years of birth. People born in the decade between 1946 and 1965 who use the network for recreational activities have increased by 33% in ten years, reaching 74.9% of the sample. Among the Italians of this generation, the number of those who make purchases online has also grown to over 54%. Tra i Millenials invece la rete è principalmente un mezzo per comunicare, ma anche in questo caso sono aumentati i giovani che usano la rete per giocare o per attività culturali passati dal 65% all’86% circa.

Gli anziani si connettono con il PC da casa

Chi si collega con il solo cellulare è una fetta ancora piuttosto esigua, solo il 21,6% degli intervistati. Una combinazione di pc e smartphone è invece la modalità più diffusa come tipo di dispositivi
usati, si tratta del 32,9% del campione analizzato dal centro di Statistica. La differenza tra chi usa come device solo il pc è interessante e mostra una netta differenza, in questo caso sì, tra millennials e la generazione degli over 60. If the 18-19 year olds who connect only with the PC is less than 3%, among the 75 year olds the fixed computer is the only device used by more than half of the people.

Most Italians connect from fixed line

Almost 74% of Italian households connect to the internet via fixed line. Among the operators, TIM is the master, holding 53.4% of the fixed line and home internet market, followed by Wind-Tre, Fastweb and Vodafone, with shares between 12 and 13%.

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