Apple has made a 25 euro cloth, but you’ll have to wait to get it

Apple has quietly unveiled a 25 euro cleaning cloth. The price is high, but it seems to have sold out: to get one you have to get in line

That we do not blame the crisis of the chips if to get a 25 euro Apple cloth you need to wait months. It has the incredible story of the cleaning cloth in the list of Apple, that on its account has not spent a word during the event of MacBook Pro and AirPods 3 preferring to introduce it silently.

Hands up who thought that a cloth so expensive could have been successful. Few hands raised, perhaps none at all. Yet Apple's €25 cloth seems to have inexplicably sold out. Intendiamoci: è certamente un prodotto realizzato con materiali selezionati e di estrema qualità, nonché l’unico che Apple consiglia per la pulizia dei suoi eccellenti monitor da oltre 5.000 euro, per cui non c’erano dubbi sul fatto che qualcuno lo avrebbe acquistato, specie chi ha già investito una fortuna per un monitor. Ma che andasse praticamente sold out, come dimostra l’attesa necessaria ad averne uno, avrebbero scommesso in pochi.

Com’è fatto il panno Apple da 25 euro

Il panno Apple è pensato specificatamente per la pulizia dei monitor Pro Display XDR da oltre 5.500 euro, certo, ma anche per tutti i prodotti della Mela che hanno un display, quindi moltissimi. The design of the cloth is in full Apple style, so marked by absolute minimalism: it is white and has on one corner a discreet tone-on-tone Apple logo.

It is made of a soft, non-abrasive material that, Apple writes, "safely and effectively cleans all types of Apple displays, and is perfect even for glass with nano-textures". The XDR Pro Displays with nano-textures have presented no small problem to customers. In fact, their surface features a matte finish, which reduces reflections while maintaining the image quality you'd expect from a $5,000 monitor.

The matte finish, however, is made with a special nano-texture of the glass, which evidently is also quite delicate: Apple warns not to clean it with cloths other than the one provided. The problem, experienced by some customers, is that once you lost it, you could not buy it again, if not by contacting Apple support.

Now, with the Apple cloth from 25 euros on the Apple Store, the problem is overcome: not only can clean the Pro Display XDR without damaging it, but it is suitable for any other display, Apple or not. The official list of compatible products is almost boundless, and includes over 70 products, from the iPhone to the Apple Watch, even the iPod Shuffle that doesn't have a screen.

While it's not clear what makes the €25 Apple cloth different from microfiber cloths that cost ten times less, there is the certainty that you can use it for any Apple product without damaging it, and if it's a particularly expensive product it's a certainty that, perhaps, is priceless.

When the €25 Apple cloth arrives

The Apple cloth has a price, and it's not cheap. Despite this, it seems to have convinced a greater number of customers than Apple expected: to get one in the U.S. will have to wait until January as well as in Italy, where it is already present on the Apple Store online but you need to wait between 10 and 12 weeks from the time of order.