Children on social networks? From Facebook tips for posting safely

The social network has created a section designed to advise parents in their online relationships with their children, a service also designed to combat cyber-bullying

How to manage relationships with their children in the age of Facebook? Social networks can allow parents to see part of their children's lives when they're not at home, but there are certain rules that must be respected online as well. And that's why Facebook has come up with a special channel designed for parents.

The new Facebook channel for parents. Social media has definitely changed the way parents and children interact. Conversations and even reprimands have moved from the online world to the offline one. There are several themes within this topic. Cyberbullying or photos posted on Facebook by underage kids, to give examples. Using a social seems like an everyday act and yet it has created several problems for kids all over the world. For this reason, Mark Zuckerberg's social network has created a portal in its security center dedicated entirely to parents. In order to learn some small rules or tips for interacting with their children within the social.

Facebook tips for parents

The social has opened this portal given the many questions received from parents around the world after the registration of their teenage son. Many learned to use Facebook specifically because they saw it from a daughter or son. To ensure the online safety of teenagers Facebook suggests a few tips. First of all, explain to your children that the same rules that exist in the offline world are also reflected in the online one. E che molti gesti fatti sui social possono avere gravi conseguenze.

(tratto da Facebook)

Facebook consiglia poi di imporre degli orari quotidiani per l’uso dei social media, orari che anche i genitori devono rispettare. Compito di certo non semplice nell’epoca degli smartphone. Facebook consiglia di chiedere subito l’amicizia al proprio figlio iscritto, in modo da gettare da subito le basi per un possibile dialogo anche online. Per creare un legame Facebook consiglia a chi non sa usare Internet o un social media di farsi aiutare dal proprio figlio. In modo da instaurare un rapporto di fiducia anche in Rete.

In caso di dubbi chiedere agli esperti di sicurezza web

facebook-genitori.jpgFonte foto: Facebook

Un’immagine del nuovo portale Facebook dedicato ai consigli per i genitori con figli sui social

Se si hanno dubbi sulla sicurezza della Rete, Facebook permette ai genitori che non hanno grandi competenze in merito di chiedere una mano ad aziende e partner esperti. Un servizio che sarà disponibile in 50 lingue diverse. In più Facebook prova a rendere sensibili genitori e figli su un tema importante come quello del cyber bullismo. In pagine dedicate si troveranno dei consigli per un genitore se crede che suo figlio sia vittima o artefice di atti di bullismo. Some guides and action plans that may seem usual in the offline world but can be useful for a parent less familiar with the online and social reality.

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