FF91, the car that challenges Tesla with a 1050 horsepower engine. Photo

From 0 to 100 Km/h in just 2.39 seconds, 608 kilometers on a single charge cycle and artificial intelligence, the FF91 is the highest performing car in the world

There is a new company that could soon take away a slice of the market from Tesla, the undisputed leader of electric cars. It is Faraday Future, ready to revolutionize the industry with the launch of a car with unique performance.

According to what the company says in fact the FF91, this is the name of the electric car, will change the entire auto industry. And taking a look at the performance of the sustainable vehicle, we can only agree. The FF91 is capable of reaching a speed yet unseen on any electric car. In fact, the Faraday Future car touches 100 kilometers per hour in just 2.39 seconds thanks mainly to the 783-kilowatt engine that has a power of 1050 horsepower. To present the super car, the American company specialized in the production of electric and smart vehicles has chosen the stage of CES in Las Vegas.

FF91, an intelligent and multimedia car

(Taken from YouTube)

Speed and power are not the only distinctive features of FF91. Another important feature is represented by artificial intelligence. Referring again to the words expressed by Faraday Future, the car is able to learn to recognize the owner and other passengers over time thanks to a very advanced connect system that Faraday Future calls FFD1. In fact, the system integrates with smartphones, computers, tablets and uses both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections present in the car. Faraday Future is also very attentive to relaxation. In the FF91 there are several HD screens and reclining seats that fold up to 60 degrees.

10 cameras for the autonomous driving of the future

Although the FF91 does not yet have an autonomous driving system similar to the one found in Tesla's cars, the car does have an advanced hardware structure for self-driving. Compared to Elon Musk's cars, the car integrates more sensors that include 10 cameras, 13 radars and 12 ultrasonic sensors. Once the software is developed, the FF91 will have safe autonomous driving that could also use artificial intelligence. In the meantime, however, the electric car is already capable of parking itself.

The FF91's super battery

As for other more "technical" features, in addition to the 783-kilowatt motor, the FF91 has a battery that has a capacity of 130 kilowatt hours that allows the car to cover up to 608 kilometers on a single charge cycle. Inoltre l’azienda starebbe cercando di sviluppare anche un sistema quick charge in modo da velocizzare i tempi di ricarica. Non ci sono al momento indicazioni né sul prezzo e né su quando la FF91 sarà disponibile. Per adesso la vettura elettrica si può solo ordinare versando 5000 dollari di anticipo.

fiat.jpgFonte foto: FCA

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