Google, advanced negotiations with Disney and CBS for a web TV

The Mountain View giant would like to exploit YouTube to create a TV "package" to be resold at a price of around 30 dollars per month

The world of TV on demand on the Net is becoming increasingly richer. After the success collected in recent years by Netflix, there are more and more companies that try to nibble a slice of an ever-expanding market.

According to some rumors coming from the United States and published by the Wall Street Journal (owned by Jeff Bezos, among other things) and the Reuters news agency, the Mountain View giant would be in talks with several U.S. television stations to bring their programs (TV series, in-depth programs and entertainment) on the "digital frequencies" of YouTube. Al momento Google avrebbe quasi chiuso l’accordo con il network CBS, mentre sarebbe in trattative avanzate con Disney, 21st Century Fox e Viacom.

YouTube TV dietro l’angolo?

youtube-tv.jpgFonte foto: Pixabay

Youtube TV

L’accordo, stando a quanto riportano le fonti, è ormai in dirittura d’arrivo e permetterebbe a Google di inserirsi in grande stile in un mercato molto competitivo ma, allo stesso tempo, altrettanto remunerativo. Anche se al momento non si conoscono moltissimi dettagli sulla trattativa e sui possibili sviluppi, è possibile immaginare che Google punti a realizzare un servizio di streaming video in diretta sfruttando i contenuti delle varie emittenti e network televisivi coinvolti. The new service should be called Unplugged and, compared to the costs of U.S. cable TV, should have a low list price (between 25 and 40 dollars per month).

From the terms of the agreement revealed so far it is clear that this is a service aimed primarily at U.S. users, but nothing prevents, in the event that the experiment of live TV streaming should be successful, to replicate it in the rest of the world.