How to connect Airpods to your computer

Connecting Airpods to a PC running Windows: here are the tools you need and how to configure this type of wireless earbuds to your computer.

For years Apple and Microsoft have been fierce rivals in a technological rivalry as intense as it is exciting. Yet today, many would like to, and indeed can, connect AirPods to PCs that support Windows. The same people who probably prefer the solidity and the sharper sound of the Apple's earphones, but who in fact have always chosen the operating system signed by the Redmond colossus.

The operation is of course entirely feasible, and in this guide we will discover together how to proceed to each step, from checking all the tools we need until the configuration of the PC, finally arriving to connect your AirPods wireless earphones to Windows PC, whether it is updated to Windows 10 or is anchored to previous versions of the OS.

What you need to connect AirPods to PC

Usually the light and practical Apple headphones are associated with an iPhone to express the maximum of their potential. Given their convenience, it is not bad to think of wanting to use them with our computer as well. Maybe to enjoy a movie or a TV series while lying down, without disturbing those next to us. Fortunately, AirPods can be connected to the PC, provided your device is equipped with the right tools. You'll need to make sure your PC has a Bluetooth connection. Since this is a widely used technology, it's pretty simple to figure out if your computer has it or not. To find out, simply right-click on the Windows Start button and select Device Manager. If you see Bluetooth in the list of devices, congratulations: you have everything you need to go on!

Less fortunate, however, may not have a Bluetooth-enabled PC, and have no way to connect AirPods to your PC. In this case, the market offers alternatives, such as an ever-useful Bluetooth adapter, surely the least expensive option. The one that requires a greater economic effort, but which also represents the winning choice for those who want the best in computer audio, obviously points towards quality speakers, optimized for Windows systems. Next, an alternative halfway between the first two, going for headphones to be connected via cable and input for the jack connector. definitely less versatile than the wireless ones.

Configure your PC to connect AirPods

To start the connection process, and understand where we can set up our AirPods on PC, all you have to do is click again with the right mouse button on the Windows Start button. Then click on Settings, followed by Devices. At this point you'll have arrived at the screen dedicated to Bluetooth and other devices: click again on the Add Bluetooth or other device button, and then choose the device you want to add. In this case, the choice will fall on the Cupertino company's headphones, present in the list of devices that are within range of our computer.

Per avere una visione ancora più chiara, a seguire trovate tutti i passaggi in maniera schematica da eseguire su un PC con sistema Windows 10, vale a dire:

  • Cliccate sul pulsante Start
  • Cliccate sul pulsante Impostazioni
  • Cliccate sulla voce Dispositivi
  • Verificate che la barra del Bluetooth sia impostata su Attivato
  • Selezionate la voce Aggiungi dispositivo Bluetooth
  • Selezionato la voce Bluetooth

Se invece il vostro computer ha un sistema operativo Windows 8, o precedente, seguite esattamente questi facili passaggi per configurarlo:

  • Cliccate sul pulsante Start di Windows
  • Selezionate il pulsante del Pannello di controllo
  • Cliccate poi su Hardware e suoni e/o Dispositivi e stampanti

Arrivati a questo punto, la strada sarà praticamente in discesa. With the AirPods getting closer and closer to a seamless Bluetooth connection with your PC.

How to connect AirPods to Windows PC

As you may have figured out on your own, connecting AirPods to your PC, once you've verified that there is a Bluetooth connection on the device, isn't all that difficult. Rather, we have simply arrived at the last and essential step of our guide, which combines two prominent products of old "enemies" in a single solution. With the computer ready to connect, do not pull Apple's wireless headphones out of the case, trying to keep the two devices as close together as possible. While the pods are plugged in, press and hold the setup button on the back of the case until the status light on the case turns white and starts blinking.

This process is as valid for Windows 10 PCs as it is for Windows 8 and earlier. If you've done all the steps correctly, your computer should recognize your AirPods, which you can use immediately, just like you do with your iPhone. Simply select them, plug them in, and lose yourself in a Spotify song, a YouTube video, or a passionate Netflix show in the comfort of your wireless headphones.