How to contact Netflix support

Want to know how you can subscribe or solve your problems with Netflix? Contact support! Read the article and find out how to do it on Libero Tecnologia.

If you're desperately looking for someone who can solve your problems with the Netflix platform, or you want to subscribe and you do not know how to do it, you've arrived at the page that's right for you.

Netflix provides many ways to solve problems, to clarify doubts through useful links that explain the most common inconveniences, or even you have the opportunity to talk to an operator ready to listen and help you, whether for a simple problem, or for a more complex one. Netflix deve essere, nella sua interezza, un’esperienza positiva, anche la sua assistenza clienti è molto semplice e intuitiva e se proprio non ti va di cercare tra i link indicati, potrai in ogni momento contattare un operatore.

Come contattare Netflix

Per contattare l’assistenza clienti di Netflix si può fare anche direttamente dall’app dopo averla scaricata sul tuo smartphone. La cosa importante per queste chiamate, è avere una connessione dati eccellente e stabile, che sia tramite rete dati o Wi-Fi. Queste chiamate sono gratuite e non prevedono nessun costo. L’unico costo che potrà essere applicato è quello per il consumo dei dati mobili, che varia in base al gestore adoperato. Per riuscire a contattare Netflix tramite l’applicazione e se sei già abbonato, segui le nostre indicazioni :

  • clicca sul tuo profilo;
  • cerca il pulsante "aiuto";
  • clicca su "chiama" o "chat".

Se invece non sei abbonato alla piattaforma e vuoi contattare l’assistenza Netflix devi :

  • aprire l’applicazione;
  • cliccare su "aiuto", che troverai nell’angolo in alto a destra del tuo schermo;
  • infine scegliere se chiamare o contattare l’assistenza tramite chat.

Se pensi sia più semplice parlare direttamente con un operatore e spiegare a voce qual è il tuo problema, esiste un numero verde a cui potersi rivolgere. Per poter parlare con l’assitenza Netflix devi innanzitutto scaricare dal tuo Play Store l’app di Netflix, e scegliere tra "chiamaci" e "chiama il centro assistenza", che sono attivi sia per gli abbonati, che per i non abbonati.  Verrete poi contattati da un operatore che prenderà in carica il vostro problema, chiarendo ogni vostro dubbio. This service is free of charge, you just need to have downloaded the app and have a stable data connection.

Netflix assistance toll-free number

Another way to be able to talk to Netflix customer assistance is the toll-free number that is indicated on the official website : 800-797-634. Operators are available to provide full assistance to those who need and require their service. Any doubt will be resolved at any time of the day or night, because the service is active 24 hours a day.

Netflix assistance: chat

Among the various ways to contact Netflix customer service, there is also the support of an operator via chat: the platform provides a free instant messaging service, where you can write your doubts and wait for the response of an operator. Before opening the chat, Netflix offers the possibility for its customers to examine some links on which they will find all the most frequent questions and doubts of those who use the most used streaming app in the world. The most common problems concern technical issues, payments, the general operation of the site and more.

If by chance in these links you can't find the solution to your problem, don't worry, as we have already written, you can contact an operator whenever you want via instant messaging, which you can find on the official Netflix website in the dedicated section (contact us - start a chat). The procedure is very simple, it will be like talking to a friend. Write your question in the dedicated form and wait for an operator to answer you.

You will be followed step by step, until the problem is solved.

The operator in charge of helping you, may ask you to perform some actions. Obviously, this way of contacting Netflix customer service is also absolutely free and like the others, except for the toll-free number, you need a good data connection. This does not detract from the fact that social networks are always valid: both on the twitter account and on the Netflix facebook page, you can expose doubts and uncertainties. Instead, if you prefer to send an email, always on the official site you can find the email address to refer to.