How to use iPhone to connect to the Internet from another smartphone

Connection problems at home or at work? Don't worry, here's a quick and easy tip to turn your iPhone into a WiFi hotspot

How many times have you seen the dreaded "Internet Unavailable" message while surfing the web? In cases like these you don't have to despair: a quick and easy trick will allow you to have the connection in a matter of seconds. Just turn your iPhone into a WiFi hotspot and you're done.

The iPhone (like any other Android smartphone) can be used to have an extra connection available for use in times of emergency. Thanks to the iPhone's WiFi hotspot, in fact, you can use the data connection of your data plan and access the web without problems. However, you must be careful: compared to the smartphone, the computer "grinds" data faster and you may quickly consume the daily or weekly data allowance provided by your contract.

How to use iPhone as a router

To use the iPhone's Wi-Fi hotspot, you'll need to browse through the iOS Settings to find the menu that interests you. First of all you'll need to activate the data connection, going inside the Cellular menu and activating the Cellular Data item. At this point you can go back to the settings and press on the item Personal Hotspot: here you'll just have to press on the switch to turn the iPhone into a Wi-Fi router. In this way the data connection of the Apple smartphone will start to be shared. In questo modo potremo connettere a Internet, sfruttando la connessione dell’iPhone, qualsiasi tipo di dispositivo. Da smartphone di altre marche, a tablet e persino i notebook.


All’interno di questa stessa schermata l’utente potrà settare anche le impostazioni di sicurezza. Come ogni altra connessione Wi-Fi, infatti, anche l’hotspot iPhone può rappresentare un pericolo sia per il dispositivo mobile, sia per gli altri dispositivi che lo utilizzano per connettersi alla Rete. Di default, iOS protegge la connessione con una password: per modificarla basterà cliccare su Password Wi-Fi e inserire quella che più piace. L’importante è che sia una password sicura e difficile da indovinare.