Iliad: customers hear someone else’s phone calls, what’s going on?

More and more Iliad users are reporting interference in calls: during calls they hear voices and conversations of other people

Reports of strange interference during calls by Iliad users are becoming more and more numerous. By initiating a call from their Iliad number, users can hear conversations of strangers. A problem that occurs especially for calls to TIM and virtual operators.

The news first reported by the Mobile World website finds confirmation on social networks, especially on Reddit, Twitter and Facebook. The interference in calls began on Tuesday, January 19, with more and more Iliad users claiming to have unintentionally overheard other people's conversations. A user on Reddit, on the morning of January 20, updated his post pointing out that the interference problem persists even 24 hours after the first report. At the moment, Iliad has only made it known that it is aware of the situation, with no other comments.

Iliad and interference: what's going on

The first reports of interference during calls arrived on Reddit and Facebook on January 19. The dynamic is always the same: the Iliad user tries to initiate a call to a number, but instead of reaching his contact he finds himself listening to a third person talking, probably engaged in another conversation.

The problem occurs when an Iliad user tries to call a TIM customer, or to numbers that result managed by virtual operators such as Kena Mobile or CoopVoce. On the contrary, the same does not happen for TIM customers, whose phone calls take place correctly and who would therefore be subject to the unintentional interception without their knowledge.

Iliad Interceptions: reports on Reddit and social networks

Iliad users who have experienced unintentional eavesdropping have sought answers first of all on the Reddit site and on social networks, including the Facebook group Iliad Italia, which brings together the mobile operator's customers.

Some users on Reddit explained that they were able to interact with the intercepted person, as if they were initiating a phone call with them. Others, instead, could only listen to the conversation of strangers, while there are those who, trying to call their own contact, found themselves with the report of "non-existent number" and then began to hear the interference. Finally, there are those who, instead of the normal ringing of the call start, hear directly the voices of others.

It seems that Iliad is aware of the situation and is working to solve the problem, although in the last 24 hours other users on Facebook and Twitter continue to report new interference
