LongRunner, the radio-controlled electric skateboard

LongBoard can be used to go to work or university and is very easy to control: just control the radio control

Have you always dreamed of going around the city with a skateboard but you are not able to? No problem, from today there is LongRunner. It is a simple electric skateboard that can be controlled by radio control.

At first glance LongRunner looks like a normal longboard. For those not familiar with it, it is a kind of skateboard with a longer board and softer wheels. It is very practical in the city, compared to the skateboard, because it does not suffer too much from the roughness of the asphalt and allows a faster pace. However, it is heavier than the skateboard, and for this reason it is less useful for freestyle. In the video presentation of LongRunner you can see the board moving on its own in perfect autonomy, making some turns and covering with attention precise paths. The board can reach up to 12 miles per hour. That is almost 20km/h.

How LongRunner works

Thanks to a remote control, useful to guide the longboard, it will be very easy to use this board. Even if you've never ridden one before in your life. Through the remote control you control the curves and speed of the instrument, so on the board you can stand or sit without any problem. Although to avoid falls it is preferable to use the board standing. At the moment LongRunner is being launched on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter. For those interested LongRunner has a cost of about 370 euros.

The video in the opening is taken from Kickstarter

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