Samsung sfida Apple: come sarà la versione mini di Galaxy S22

Stop ai display giganti: persino Samsung sarebbe pronta a fare un passo indietro, seppur piccolo, nella diagonale dei display dei suoi smartphone di fascia alta.


Giuseppe Croce Giornalista

Peppe Croce, giornalista dal 2008, si occupa di device elettronici e nuove tecnologie applicate al mondo automotive. È entrato in Libero Tecnologia nel 2018.

Dopo Apple, anche Samsung punta sul formato ridotto: ecco perché Galaxy S22 potrebbe essere caratterizzata da un design mini. This is an interesting novelty, especially for all those who do not appreciate the recent gigantism of the screens that, often, leads to the construction of devices much less manageable than those of a few years ago.

According to an anticipation collected by Phone Arena and launched by tipster Mauri QHD, the new line of smartphones produced by the Korean company would be characterized by screens of smaller size than those of the 2020 models, albeit slightly. An important change of course, able to break with a tradition that now seems ingrained in the mobile phone industry: build smartphones ever larger. To carry out this "revolution" will be just Samsung, which in the past has on the contrary adopted technologies that have allowed it to create increasingly large panels, to allow its customers a better view photos and videos.

Samsung Galaxy S22, how they change the measures

According to what is reported by the anticipations, the measures should decrease by about a tenth of an inch, more or less 3 millimeters, going from 6.2 "to 6.06" of the Galaxy S22 base model. More obvious, however, the difference between S21 Plus and S22 Plus, with the latter dropping to 6.55 "from 6.7" (approximately -4 mm) of the first. The only one to keep firmly on the path of the large screen will be the Ultra variant, which will go from 6.8 inches to 6.81".

To force Samsung to choose that diagonal, in this case, would be the type of panel: LTPO (low temperature polycrystalline oxide), which is exclusive to that model and allows you to implement the variable screen refresh rate, which saves a lot of battery.

And to think that, several years ago, the first Galaxy Note was considered by many to be far too large for continuous use. The diagonal of the screen of that model was 5.3 inches, much less than what is available on the market today.

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, not just a matter of screen

Another detail, related to the incoming line but not to the size, is the one involving just Galaxy S22 Ultra. Samsung for this model should switch from glass back to a less elegant but much more functional back in "Glasstic", ie polycarbonate with a glossy effect that resembles glass but is not: it costs less and is lighter.

Obviously we speak of an indiscretion that, in the coming months, could find confirmation or denial. Same goes for the 200 MP photo sensor, equipped with continuous optical zoom, which is expected on the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. But, again, this is all information for which Samsung is maintaining absolute secrecy.