Skin Motion, the tattoos that you “play” with your smartphone

A sound, an application that translates audio into a drawing, a tattoo artist and a smartphone: that's all you need to use Soundwave Tattoo

Covering the skin with a drop of ink is a habit that has always accompanied the human being. If in ancient times tattoos had a strong symbolic value, today people choose them mainly to appear. But what if they were also used to record the voice or a sound that is dear to us?

The idea, which may seem a bit bizarre, has really been realized. Basically, using your smartphone you can translate the drawing on your skin into a set of sounds. And it's not just random notes. Everyone, in fact, can decide to immortalize on the body, and forever, a certain type of sound: the voice of a missing person, a song, or the cry of an animal. Obviously, we are not talking about normal tattoos. The tattoos, in fact, constitute the sound wave that composes the chosen audio. By then bringing the smartphone camera closer, the marks imprinted on skin are played by the mobile device.

How Soundwave Tattoos Work

Let's now see how the process works. To make a Soundwave Tattoo, as they are called the sound tattoos of Skin Motion, the company that developed the idea, you need to buy the application, which will be made available to users in a few months. Then, from what we can guess, you'll just have to upload an audio insert. The app at this point will translate the sound into a drawing, which reproduces a sound wave, and which must then be impressed on the skin by one of the tattoo artists authorized by Skin Motion.

Further on, after the tattoo has been created, it will be necessary to upload the photo into the platform and the Soundwave Tattoo is ready to be listened to on smartphones. Si apre l’applicazione, si punta la fotocamera sul disegno e il sistema riconoscerà il Soundwave Tattoo. E non è tutto. L’azienda starebbe cercando di far funzionare il meccanismo anche sulle onde sonore già tatuate dagli utenti e non generate, dunque, dall’applicazione.

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