There is great excitement in the headquarters of Telegram. By the end of the month is expected the arrival of one of the most substantial innovations of recent years: what will change?
By the end of the month will come a big news to completely revolutionize the world of one of the most used instant messaging app in the world. The announcement, which anticipates a clear change of course, comes after a leaked anticipation already last year and will bring Telegram on a completely new level: here's what it is and what we should expect in the coming weeks.
The new version of the application will arrive by the end of November. However, we must be careful: it is not a replacement but, rather, an addition to the already existing one and already downloaded by millions of users worldwide. After the first signals dated 2020 started by the dad of Telegram, the Russian Pavel Durov, the official confirmation of the imminent novelty came from the entrepreneur himself with an official announcement through a message on the platform. In the communication, Durov stressed the arrival of what will be to all intents and purposes the "premium" version of the application. As it is easy to imagine, in order to access it, it will be necessary to pay a subscription (defined, by the headquarters, as "cheap") but it will have some useful additional features, including the expected blocking of the