Google is ready to make really cheap smartphones that allow even the most disadvantaged people to use a touch device
The Google Pixel, the latest smartphones made by the Mountain View company have a price that starts from a minimum of about 700 euros and reach a maximum of over 900 euros. A figure that is certainly not affordable for everyone and a policy that leads Google to challenge Apple on its own ground.
But the choice made with the Google Pixel will not be repeated in the coming years by the company of Mountain View, at least to hear the words of CEO Sundar Pinchai. In fact, during a television interview with an Indian broadcaster, the head of Google made a rather strong statement: "In the future, smartphones won't cost $100. Not even fifty dollars. The right price will be thirty dollars." The goal of Google is to launch low-cost smartphones that give the possibility to the poorest people to be part of the great world of the Internet.
The Android One project
A few years ago, Google launched the pilot project Android One with the aim of building smartphones with good performance at a price below one hundred dollars. Now Sundar Pinchai relaunches the initiative aiming to realize a device with a derisory cost: only thirty dollars (about twenty-five euros). At the moment the project is designed exclusively for India, the nation with the most interesting growth margins ever thanks to a population of over a billion and with a very low average age. Despite very interesting numbers a large part of Indians live below the poverty line even if in recent years the middle class is increasingly numerous. For this reason companies such as Google are interested in focusing on India for their future projects. Non è un caso che Apple, ma anche altre grandi aziende dell’hi tech, hanno scelto l’India per fabbricare i loro dispositivi.
Applicazioni più leggere
Al momento l’ex colonia britannica ha ancora problemi con la connessione Internet ad alta velocità: Google e Facebook hanno sviluppato applicazioni più leggere (Facebook Lite e YouTube Go) per riuscire ad aumentare il numero di utenti indiani.
Fonte foto: Redazione
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