According to some rumors coming from Cupertino, the top management of the company of the bitten apple, Tim Cook in the lead, prefer augmented reality
Virtual reality and augmented reality? Apple would choose to bet on the second one. According to the latest movements, the Californian company is working on agmented reality. The confirmation comes also from the latest comments released by Tim Cook.
The CEO of Apple, in fact, would have defined augmented reality as "deeper" than virtual reality. A decision in line, at least apparently, with the roads taken by the two big rivals of Apple: Google and Microsoft. In 2013 Big G presented to the general public the Google Glass, smart glasses that, due to some bugs and problems with the battery, have never arrived on store shelves. Different fate, instead, for Microsoft's HoloLens: this augmented reality visor, in fact, are also available in Europe (but not yet in Italy) for a figure exceeding 3,000 euros.
Collection of AG/VR companies
Officially Apple has not yet announced any project that suggests that Cupertino has abandoned virtual reality in favor of augmented reality. Some company acquisitions, however, shift the needle toward the latter. In 2013, Apple brought home Prime Sense, the company that provided Microsoft with motion sensors for the Xbox's Kinect. In 2015, however, it took over two other companies, Germany's Metaio and America's Faceshift, both operating in the field of augmented reality.
(taken from YouTube)
Hunting for new geniuses
Apple would therefore be working intensively on new AG/VR projects. Oltre ai brevetti di due nuovi visori che l’azienda ha depositato, la casa di Cupertino sta anche cercando di accaparrarsi i migliori ingegneri informatici sulla piazza. Come infatti sottolinea BuzzFeed, Apple ha infatti assunto tre nuovi esperti di tecnologia virtuale: Yuri Petrov dalla Oculus VR, Zeyu Li della Magic Leap e Doug Bowman, direttore del Center for Human-Computer Interaction del Virginia Tech.
Fonte foto: web
Uno dei brevetti sulla realtà aumentata presentati da Apple
Nonostante le dichiarazioni di Cook che dice “che il contattato umano non può essere sostituito” e i movimenti aziendali dell’ultimo periodo è molto probabile che Apple non abbandoni completamente la realtà virtuale. In fact, it's possible that upcoming devices will integrate both technologies.
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