Eyefluence and motion tracking, Google bets on augmented reality

In recent days, rumors and rumors about Google's "augmented" future have been chasing each other. The Mountain View giant is preparing to launch a new visor?

Google returns to invest in virtual reality and augmented reality. A few hours ago in fact Eyefluence, a startup specializing in the development of eye tracking technologies, announced through a post published on its website that it has joined Google.

Mountain View is therefore planning to resume its development projects VR/AR, after the not exactly exciting experience of Google Glass. The augmented reality program that Big G intended to carry on with the launch of the smart glasses has been stalled due to some bugs that the wearable device presented. The acquisition of Eyefluence demonstrates that Google has no intention of losing ground to the other hi-tech giants in a sector such as virtual and augmented reality, which is booming today. To this must be added the launch of the DayDream VR visors, presented at an event last October 4 (along with the Google Pixel) and now available for purchase from the official website of the Mountain View-based company.

Why Eyefluence is important

Eye tracking is a key technology for next-generation VR/AR visors. Eyefluence lavora da anni su tecnologie che consentono di controllare impostazioni e menu dei visori VR e dei visori a realtà aumentata con un semplice sguardo: per passare da una voce all’altra del menu o da una schermata all’altra basterà dunque un’occhiata.  L’acquisizione di Eyefluence, inoltre, permette a Google di rilevare la proprietà intellettuali di molti brevetti di eye-tracking registrati dalla startup creata da Jim Margraff nel 2013.

daydream-1.jpgFonte foto: Flickr

Google Daydream

L’altro indizio

C’è un altro elemento che fa pensare che Mountain View non voglia fermarsi solamente alla realtà virtuale. Secondo quanto infatti circola in rete, Google starebbe testando lontano da occhi indiscreti un nuovo dispositivo che coniuga realtà virtuale e realtà aumentata. The mysterious headset would mount chips made by Movidius, a company specializing in the development of motion tracking technologies and would make use of algorithms and sensors that can map the outside world and "superimpose" virtual holograms of all kinds.