Vivi Internet, at its best: online safety in the school curriculum

Google, together with Altroconsumo and Telefono Azzurro, has created the Vivi Internet, at best program to help teachers educate children on how to use the web

Google in collaboration with Telefono Azzurro and Altroconsumo presented "Vivi Internet, al meglio" a new program to promote the basic principles of digital civic education among the youngest Internet users.

The initiative was created with the aim of training people to use the web in total safety. "Vivi Internet, al meglio" (Live the Internet, at its best) aims to promote digital citizenship among young people through a training course that is aimed at children, but also at families and educators. "Vivi Internet, al meglio" focuses on five issues of absolute relevance today on the web, such as online reputation, phishing and scams, privacy and security, harassment and online bullying, and finally reporting of inappropriate content. The full program of the initiative can be accessed for free by everyone at the website attached at this link.

How is the program structured "Live the Internet, at its best"

According to a research carried out by Google, 98% of Italian teachers believe that courses on online safety should be included in the curriculum and 85% said that they do not currently have the means to address such issues and to educate students about them. Secondo l’87% degli intervistati, neppure i genitori farebbero abbastanza in materia di sicurezza online.  La convinzione diffusa è che sia dunque necessario contribuire a rendere la conoscenza di un uso responsabile del web sempre più accessibile a ragazzi. E per andare incontro a queste esigenze Google ha pensato di collaborare con 5 famosi YouTuber , Cane Secco, Daniele Doesn’t Matter, Lea Cuccaroni, Muriel eShantiLives, che per un per un giorno si sono calati nella vita di un adolescente affrontandone i problemi quotidiani tra cui le interazioni online dei ragazzi.

Thanks to Telefono Azzurro, the project will arrive also in Italian schools where it will help teachers in the training of children on the online civic sense. The initiative has also been promoted within the Safer Internet Centre - Generazioni Connesse, the project coordinated by MIUR as a national reference point for issues related to online safety and the relationship between young people and new media. Finally, for parents, structured content is available in the five areas of the project. Structured content with original and immediate quizzes, available in the section for parents of the site Vivi Internet, at best or by visiting In this way parents can test how much they know about the dynamics of the web and the actions to navigate safely on the Internet and how to give advice to their children when they go online.