What the Refresh button on Windows is for

Many people believe that pressing the Refresh button on the PC desktop will speed up Windows. But in reality, it doesn't. Here's why

The myths that inhabit the world of technology are the most diverse and very often fanciful. For example, according to some "experts" you should never use your smartphone while it is charging because it can explode. This is a false myth: it is true that cell phones can explode, but the fault is the defective battery and not because we use it while it is charging.

Another very curious myth concerns the Refresh button on the desktop of Windows computers. According to some great computer experts, pressing it a couple of times is enough to make your PC run faster. If you have problems of slowdown and your computer struggles to open programs, just click on "Refresh" and magically your PC becomes performant again. It doesn't take long to realize that this is a falsehood: the button has another purpose, it serves to fix some bugs or glitches on the Windows desktop.

What is the "Refresh" button and what is it for

Many of you will not even be aware of the "Refresh" button. It is a feature that in the past was much more used by users, but over the years it has been almost forgotten, also thanks to the steps forward made by Microsoft's operating system. But what is this "Update" button? It is a button on the desktop (to use it, you must right-click on the screen and then click "Update") that allows you to fix small bugs that sometimes block the PC. For example, if you have changed the name of a folder on your computer, but it still shows the old one, just press "Update" to make the change.

Experts will tell you that after pressing "Update", your PC magically improves its performance. That may be true, but it's not the button that does the work, it's the RAM that has done its job and analyzed the current processes.

A myth to dispel

To convince the skeptics that it's just a myth, just open the Task Manager window and press the "Refresh" button a couple of times. Instead of noticing a decrease in computer processes, there will be an increase in both CPU and RAM usage. This means that we are unnecessarily using the computer's resources and slowing down its performance. And all for an activity that doesn't serve to speed up the PC. If you really want to improve your computer's performance, we suggest you install some program that allows you to better manage RAM and eliminate unnecessary processes.