WhatsApp, comes the number to stay informed about Covid-19: which one is

World Health Organization launches a phone number to stay informed about Covid-19: here's which one it is and how it works

The World Health Organization also launches in Italy its bot on WhatsApp that answers questions about Covid-19. Already in previous weeks a similar service had been presented, but only in English, now the WHO has launched also the exclusive one for Italy. The Bel Paese is one of the countries most affected by Covid-19 and to stop the contagion the correct information is very important.

especially in this period there are many fake news that become viral in a few hours on the Net, mainly due to WhatsApp groups that share again the fake messages. To keep in touch with the World Health Organization on WhatsApp just save the phone number +41 22 501 78 34 in your address book and send him a simple message: "Hello". The bot responds immediately showing the different services available: you can stay informed about the latest numbers of contagions or receiving instructions to protect yourself from contagion.

WhatsApp, WHO number dedicated to Covid-19 arrives: how it works

Fake news is difficult to defeat and can create a lot of damage, especially in the period in which we are living. For this reason, the World Health Organization has decided to launch a bot in Italian on WhatsApp that answers the most frequently asked questions from users about the ongoing pandemic.

Getting in touch with the WHO is very simple: first you have to save on your address book the number +41 22 501 number +41 22 501 78 34 78 34 (do not forget to insert the + in front of the number "4" otherwise the application will not recognize the number) and then open WhatsApp. Now press on the icon to create a new chat, select the WHO number and send a very simple message "Hello".

The welcome message from WHO will appear on the screen explaining how the WhatsApp bot works.

"Welcome to the official chat of the World Health Organization on WhatsApp.

Qui troverai informazioni e consigli riguardo alla situazione attuale e la diffusione del coronavirus (COVID-19).

Cosa vorresti sapere sul coronavirus?

Rispondi con un numero (o emoji) in qualsiasi momento per ottenere le informazioni più recenti sull’argomento:

1. Ultimi casi ?
2. Proteggiti ?
3. Maschere ?
4. Miti: vero o falso? ?
5. Viaggiare ?️
6. Ultime Notizie ?
7. Condividi & Invita ⏩
8. Dona ora ?
9. Lingue ?"

Dopo questo messaggio, basterà rispondere con un numero (ad esempio 1 per conoscere tutti gli ultimi casi a livello mondiale e regionale) per ricevere una risposta immediata. Per conoscere il corretto utilizzo della mascherina basta inviare un messaggio con scritto “3" e si riceve una risposta dall’OMS su come si deve usare. Inviando il numero “4", invece, si ricevono delle informazioni molto utili sui miti nati in queste settimane sul Covid-19: smentire le fake news è fondamentale per non creare panico ingiustificato.