A German startup has developed a mechanical arm that clones itself and is able to work closely with humans
An interesting new robot is coming in 2017: Franka Emika, an intelligent mechanical arm that is also capable of building other robots. The device is safe and is especially designed to work together with humans.
Another feature that makes this robot a truly unique product in its category is the fact that it is also very affordable. The price does not exceed € 9,900, a figure well below the average cost of industrial robots that is instead around € 30,000. This prodigious mechanical arm was created by Sami Haddadin, who had already experimented with a similar device in the past. The peculiarity of this inventor is to pay attention especially to safety. I suoi robot infatti sono pensati per lavorare al fianco delle persone ed è proprio partendo da questo concetto che ha sviluppato il nuovo device intelligente.
Frank Emika, il robot da lavoro sicuro
La maggior parte dei robot industriali sono pericolosi e per questo vengono installati in zone isolate in modo tale da non mettere a rischio la vita delle persone. Franka Emika invece è un braccio molto sicuro che, grazie ad alcuni speciali sensori, è in grado di percepire l’ostacolo e arrestare il suo movimento meccanico. Alla base del security system di Franka Emika c’è un software che controlla tutti i movimenti del robot e misura lo sforzo delle sue sette articolazioni. Se il programma si accorge che lo sforzo impiegato dal braccio è anomalo rispetto ai normali parametri, Frank Emika si ferma immediatamente. This can happen, for example, when the robot encounters a human being.
(taken from YouTube)
Franka Emika, the robot that clones itself
Franka Emika is above all a robot that can build itself clones. The mechanical arm, in fact, is perfectly capable of reproducing 80% of its components, a threshold that according to its creator will soon reach 100%. The robot, which as seen will be launched next year, is also easy to install and program.