ITunes, strange error messages appear on iPads and iPhones

Some users are reporting an error message when trying to open third-party apps on their iPhones and iPads

Users scattered a bit around the world are gradually reporting a strange bug that plagues iPhones and iPads after installing the new iOS13 or iPadOS operating system. The bug seems to occur when opening a third-party application, opening blocked by the instant display of a message that appears on the screen and reads: "iTunes Store is unable to process purchases at this time. Please try again later." This bug makes it difficult to perform any operation on the two devices of the bitten apple and, at least for now, it seems to appear only on iOS13 and iPadOS and on a very limited number of devices.

An iTunes Store bug?

The error seems to be related to the iTunes Store and is encountered whenever you try to open a third-party application, whatever it is. Apparently, the problem does not occur if, on the contrary, you try to open a native Apple app. Browsing through the Cupertino-based company's customer support web pages, there is no mention of the bug in question, and all systems seem to be fully up and running. This suggests that it should be a simple technical problem and that, almost certainly, it will be fixed soon by the developers of the bitten apple. For now, the bug does not seem to derive from the new operating system as it refers to a connection problem in iTunes.

iTunes: end of an era?

Not only iOS13 and iPadOS, on Monday Apple released online the new version of its operating system dedicated to Mac computers and laptops. There are many new features introduced with macOS Catalina 10.15 and perhaps, the most important, is the one that marks the end of an era, or rather, the end of a software: iTunes. The arrival of macOS Catalina cancels iTunes forever and replaces it with three applications designed for different uses: Music, TV and Podcasts. It's a very unclear choice to split an app into three different applications, but only with time will we understand what the Cupertino developers' true intentions are.