Lily, the drone designed to take selfies, failed to find funding for production and is now forced to reimburse customers
Lily, perhaps, has "flown" too high with its project from as much as $34 million received through a very successful crowdfunding operation in 2015 and has now crashed against reality. The idea, though, was cute: a drone able to dodge any obstacle on its own as long as it took a picture of the pilot.
Lily's secret were a number of truly innovative features for 2015. Autonomous driving, first and foremost, ease of use and great design, as well as the "follow me" feature, which, translated into practice, was the ability to follow like a flying bloodhound a subject wearing a special watch - a tracking device - and not let them out of your sight before photographing or filming them. The producer of Lily, despite the huge amount of money raised by more than 60 thousand people, failed to finance the large-scale production. And after numerous postponements, the project disastrously crashed to the ground.
Technical features Lily, autonomous drone for selfie
Lily had convinced users and industry insiders. The quadricopter, from the technical point of view, was equipped with a Full HD camera capable of recording video at 60 frames per second with a resolution of 1080p, but also to shoot movies in the fascinating slow motion mode at 120 FPS with 720p resolution. Le foto, scattate tramite un comando in remoto, garantivano immagini a una risoluzione di 12 Megapixel. Lily era disponibile in preordine al prezzo di 499 dollari. Un prezzo tutto sommato conveniente per questo gioiellino così all’avanguardia.
(tratto da YouTube)
Come chiedere il rimborso per il drone Lily
Lily, stando a un comunicato pubblicato sul sito del produttore, offrirà un rimborso ai clienti che, nel corso dei prossimi 60 giorni, compileranno un apposito form. Sempre che riescano a racimolare sufficiente denaro per rimborsare tutti. Il che non è affatto certo.
Premi sull’immagine per scoprire Nimbus, il drone da corsa che sfreccia a 200 chilometri orari
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