Microsoft annuncia un nuovo device: è un frigorifero

Durante l'evento E3 dedicato al mondo del gaming Microsoft annuncia il suo nuovo device: come sarà il frigorifero Xbox Mini Fridge


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Un computer, uno smartphone o una console di gioco? Niente di tutto questo: il nuovo device di Microsoft è un frigorifero. Si chiama Xbox Mini Fridge e arriverà nei negozi entro la fine dell’anno corrente. Cosa c’è dietro allo stravagante dispositivo? Una competizione tra gli utenti della rete in cui ha trionfato proprio Redmond.

È stato il concorso #BestofTweets a sancire la nascita del piccolo frigo di Microsoft. Even if with a more than narrow margin, in the challenge between brands organized by Twitter Marketing, the company managed to overcome its direct competitor, Skittles, with only half a point difference, bringing home 50.5% of the votes against 49.5%. Encouraging the participation of the public was the head of marketing at Xbox, Aaron Greenberg, who managed to wrangle a promise to make the appliance mignon in case of victory. And so it was, so much so that now the device is already a certainty of which we are only waiting for the date of debut.

Xbox Mini Fridge, where was the idea?

Voting aside, to understand where it came out of the crazy but funny idea of a refrigerator signed Microsoft must take a step back in time. Everything goes back to the launch of the XBox Series X console: according to many, the external case would have recalled a refrigerator, a resemblance that in a few days has sprouted on the web a dense amount of memes, from every corner of the globe.

Instead of retaliating to the "affront", the computer giant has decided to stay at the game by focusing on a real refrigeration tool, from form to function. To confirm its realization, it was then the conference during the 2021 edition of the E3, the event dedicated to video games, which underlined its arrival for the holiday season that, for companies, is around November/January.

From the teaser video, the mini refrigerator appears as the X series shell. Inside, a green light illuminates the shelves cooled by the same cooling system seen right on the gaming platform.

Xbox Mini Fridge, price and sales market

Not yet has been revealed nor the price or if Xbox Mini Fridge will be put on sale only in the United States or if it will be made available worldwide. This is a real exception for the company and a particularly good opportunity to get your hands on a collector's item that could acquire great value over the years.