Security Keys, the device that secures your accounts

In order to fight hackers it is necessary to increase the defenses of our accounts: Security Keys is the best device on the market

It is usually recommended to protect your accounts by changing the password often and using password managers to create increasingly complicated access keys. With hackers becoming more and more skilled these tricks become useless.

That's why many online services offer users the option of using two-factor authentication to increase the security of their accounts. After logging into your profile, you are usually sent a secondary pin on your phone number to complete the operation. A system considered very secure, in recent months it has been the victim of hacker attacks that have undermined its stability. In fact, hackers can intercept SMS messages sent to the user's phone and gain access to the account.

How the Security Keys work

After more than two years of study and research by over fifty thousand Google engineers, another method has been found to secure user data. We are talking about the Security Keys, USB flash drives available on the market for a couple of years and that allow you to encrypt the access keys of users. In this way, even if hackers managed to penetrate the pen drive's defenses, they wouldn't be able to obtain any kind of information. The operation of the Security Keys is very simple: you'll just have to save the username and password on the key and connect it to the computer when you need to access the service. You can buy them at a price of about 20-30 euros (Yubico keys are among the best on the market), a pittance to secure your personal data.