PlayStation 5, the price lower than expected: here’s how much it costs

The price of the Digital Edition of the PlayStation 5 could be 399 euros, lower than expected. For the version, normal, however, you have to spend 100 euros more

The PlayStation 5 could be launched at a price of 399 euros. This is what emerges in recent days from the various rumors appeared online. We are talking about the Digital Edition version without Blu-Ray player and shown for the first time by Sony during the event on June 11. The Digital Edition is a very interesting model and shows how the Japanese company wants to focus more and more on digital copies of video games. And maybe invest more in PlayStation Now, making it a serious competitor to Xbox's Game Pass.

The possible launch price of the PS5 continues to hold sway in these post-event weeks. Everyone has tried to have their say on how much the new Sony console will cost, but so far we haven't seen a single official price. The Japanese company rightly continues to postpone the news in order to keep up the attention of users and trade magazines. Some e-commerce have tried to speculate on a possible launch price of the PlayStation 5, but so far the news have proved false.

PlayStation 5, the price will be between 399 and 599 euros

The news on the price of the PlayStation 5 are so discordant between them that it starts from a minimum of 399 euros (for the Digital Edition version) up to get to touch 600 euros for the normal model. The anticipations have all come from e-commerce sites that have opened the pre-orders for the new console and have also set a placeholder price, or representation.

To open the dances was the Anglo-Saxon version of Amazon, which has included a price (probably a bit 'too exaggerated) of £ 599, but that was promptly removed. Then it was the turn of the Play-Asia site, which proposed a very similar price. Finally, more comforting news came from Amazon France, which set the price of the regular version at 499 euros and the Digital Edition at 399 euros. Again, the prices were removed almost immediately, but are in line with what was rumored in previous months.

Those, however, who hoped to buy the PlayStation 5 for less than 350 euros will be disappointed: the cost of components is very high and has increased during the period of the pandemic. In addition, you have to add the marketing and advertising costs that Sony will have to bear. For this reason, it is unthinkable that the PlayStation 5 will arrive at less than 400 euros.