RyanAir free airline tickets, the scam arrives on Facebook

The scam of RyanAir tickets for only one euro after having made several victims on WhatsApp has also landed on Facebook, here's how it acts and how to defend yourself

Lately we have seen spreading a new cyber threat related to a scam on RyanAir tickets for free. A danger especially for users on email addresses and instant messaging apps such as WhatsApp.

Now the RyanAir gift ticket scam, ahead of the low-cost airline's 25th anniversary, has also landed on Facebook. And it's making more and more victims. The fraudulent post is generated by the Facebook page and the website RyanAir.It-Fly Today and the sponsored message promises users two airline tickets for only one euro and a 500 euro vacation voucher. The excuse, obviously false, for this offer is that 25 years have passed since the first flight made by the Irish airline. Users who fall into the trap, however, do not receive a super-discounted vacation, but simply risk giving away their personal data to cyber criminals who are ready to use it for their illegal activities on the Internet.

How does the RyanAir flight scam work

The scam is quite simple. The user is led to click on the offer post. Once he clicks, he is redirected to a new page where he has to take a test in order to win tickets for one euro. The various questions are structured in such a way that the user wins regardless. Once the super discounted tickets have been "won" we will have to enter our personal data in order to conveniently receive via e-mail the tickets to be printed and presented at the airport boarding gate. Obviously, once we have entered the required information we will not receive any e-mails or even free airline tickets. We will have simply given the hackers our data.

How to defend yourself against this scam

Defending yourself against Ryanair scam on Facebook is very simple. First, if we want to know about discounts and active offers, let's trust only the posts published by the official page of the Irish airline. Secondly, we always avoid entering our personal information on unreliable sites and quizzes, even if they promise gifts or discounted travel in return.