How to block certain users on Facebook Messenger

Both on Messenger app and Facebook chat you can, with a few clicks, disable messages and calls from people who disturb us

Thanks to applications and social networks like Facebook and Messenger we can contact friends and relatives even if they are on the other side of the world. The other side of the coin is that we can receive messages from people who disturb us.

To keep our privacy safe, both Facebook and Messenger allow us to deactivate some users. In this way, the people we choose will not be able to send us messages or call us on the Messenger app or Facebook chat. To avoid falling victim to stalkers or malicious intentions, moreover, our advice is to avoid adding people on Facebook that we do not know even in real life. And at the same time we must eliminate friend requests from people who want to join our list of friends but we have never seen.

How to block Facebook Messenger users on Android

If we own an Android smartphone to block messages from an unwanted user just open the conversation with the person we want to "mute". At this point we have to tap on the icon with the i inside the circle (located in the upper right corner), scroll down and press on the item Block. To finish we have to select Block all messages.

How to block Facebook Messenger users on iPhone and iPad

If on the contrary we own an iPhone, or an iPad, the practice is slightly different but still very simple to carry out. We must always open the conversation with the person we want to block. At this point, however, we must tap on the name of the person in question and then scroll down. Once this is done, click on the item Block in the pop-up menu.

How to block Facebook Messenger users on your computer

If, on the other hand, we use Facebook and its chat directly from the browser version, both on Windows and Mac, we can block those who disturb us in three clicks. First we go to the conversation with the user we want to disable. Then click on the settings icon, located in the upper right of the chat and is marked by the gear-shaped symbol. At this point from the pop-up menu we select the item Block messages and that's it. It should be remembered that blocking a person's messages is not the same as blocking the person on Facebook. If you block someone's messages, but don't block the person in question, you can continue to see their Facebook profile.