The wait for the new version of Google's mobile operating system is coming to an end: so a detail, spread on the net, has revealed the likely date of release to the public
A few days after the fifth beta dedicated to developers, Android 12 now seems to be on the home stretch. While users and fans of Mountain View's mobile OS are scrambling to get all the new features of the upcoming edition on their devices, a key test may have revealed what will be the official time of its release.
According to Mishaal Rahman, editor-in-chief of the web portal Xda Developers, it could only be a matter of weeks. And, for that, he chose to show the revealing detail through a chirp posted on his Twitter profile. Nonostante la recente release che ha di fatto rimandato l’uscita, la scelta del giorno in calendario per il lancio del sistema operativo è, mai come quest’anno, vincolata da fattori di cruciale importanza, come il lancio della serie Google Pixel 6. È infatti improbabile che Big G renda disponibile sul mercato la nuova linea senza aver prima installato sulla memoria dei dispositivi e rilasciato al grande pubblico la versione definitiva del proprio Os.
Android 12, quando arriverà
L’informazione fa parte del documento contenente le informazioni diffuse dal colosso californiano ai partner OEM (“Original Equipment Manufacturer“, cioè i produttori di dispositivi che integrano Android di fabbrica) e fa riferimento alla data ultima di approvazione dei software per le differenti versioni di Android in previsione di un aggiornamento. This is usually done to ensure compatibility with Google Mobile Services, though this time the file revealed something more.
According to Rahman's tweet, the day to circle in your diary is Monday, October 4, 2021. So, if his predictions turn out to be correct, in less than a month we'll be able to have the stable version of Android 12 AOSP (Android Open Source Project) available for download.
That would be a little more than two weeks, 15 days to be exact, compared to the presumed debut date of the new Android 12 series.