Best abs apps

Apps for abdominal training are a great solution for those who want to get a flat stomach: here are the best 5 apps to download and how they work.

When we want to get in shape, modern technology can often be our ally. In fact, there are plenty of apps for perfect abs and those dedicated to home workouts, which promise encouraging results for those who want to get back in shape, perhaps just in view of the summer. And if it's true that the virtual catalogs of App Store and Google Play are crowded with fitness products, both free and paid, not all of them are suitable to overcome the fateful and dreaded swimsuit test in the hottest months of the year.

That's why it seems appropriate a guide that can help to orient themselves in a panorama of offers so rich. Before understanding which are the best apps for iOS and Android devices, we have chosen 5, it is however important to emphasize that these do not want and should not replace the workout in the gym, but are designed to lighten the workload in the room by training at home, with short exercises easy to perform.

Addominals in 8 minutes (iOS/Android)

One of the most comprehensive abdominal apps, appreciated by users, is Addominals in 8 minutes, compatible with both Apple and Android devices. The application is particularly suitable for those who want to work out regularly but only have a few minutes a day to do so. This is because there are many exercises that only last a few minutes, even less than 4, for a free solution only in its basic version.

To access all the content of Abs in 8 minutes and eliminate advertising you have to buy the full version on the App Store or Google Play, with the possibility of buying individual training programs for about a euro each. To work, the app needs to be connected to a network at all times. Once you've downloaded it, you can start it up and scroll through the tabs in the top menu for the various workouts available, which are full of details and can be organized in a real Calendar.

Sculpted Abs in 30 Days (iOS/Android)

Among the best abs apps, iOS and Android devices also offer the excellent Sculpted Abs in 30 Days. This is a real complete workout program that wants to guide us in a path of workouts to be carried out from the comfort of home. As the name suggests, this takes place exactly in 30 days, those that according to the developers and their consultants are the basis for getting back in hand your physicality.

All takes place on different levels to grow in muscle development gradually, thanks to the presence of a personal trainer who, through animated and on-screen instructions, explains the execution of each exercise. Not only that, it is possible to track our progress day by day, while we know that the program is based on high-intensity exercises, suitable for both those who already train consistently and beginners. Again, the download is free with the presence of in-app purchases.

Runtastic Six Pack Exercises (iOS/Android)

Runtastic Six Pack Exercises is one of the best flat belly apps for iOS and Android. Developed by Runtastic as a semi-free app, it gives you access to more than 50 video tutorials in which the various exercises are performed and various practical tips are provided. Once logged in, you'll be able to choose one of the two virtual trainers, Daniel or Angie, to access the first level of training, the only one that's free.

This workout app is especially impressive for its ancillary services: for example, once we've completed the exercise, we'll be able to view some statistics of our workout, enter a short text note and indicate our mood at the end of the exercise. The full paid version gives you access to 3 additional training levels, unlocks advanced features and eliminates advertising banners.

Eserci Esercizi Abdominali 7 Minuti (Android)

Also Esercizi Abdominali 7 Minuti, only available on Android, is a great app for abdominal training. Here, too, you can proceed to purchase a premium version without ads, and get lost among a lot of exercises suitable for training for a few minutes a day. And that can be done practically at any time. More specifically, there are 14 exercises, with the possibility to save your results on Google Fit, the heart-tracking platform from Google. After you've completed your first workout, the app will ask you to enter your weight, height and year of birth, to calculate the calories you've burned.

Exercises for Abs (Android)

The last free abs app we feel like suggesting is Exercises for Abs, available for download at no cost on Google Play. There are no less than 70 mixed exercises, which are useful for putting together a personalized workout plan. This can be composed of 10 workouts, each lasting from 5 to 10 minutes, and with 4 different levels of difficulty to suit everyone. After completing the download and launching the app, tap on "Start abdominal workout" and then on "Start training": in this way the instructions of the voice guide will allow you to perform the exercises in the correct way. Once you've completed the workout, you'll be able to view the estimated calories burned.