Come coinvolgere e fidelizzare i clienti del tuo business online

Uno degli obiettivi di un business online è coinvolgere e fidelizzare i propri clienti: l’organizzazione dei contatti diventa quindi fondamentale per il successo delle campagne di marketing


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Una strategia di marketing efficacie passa anche dalla capacità di un business online di gestire, coinvolgere e fidelizzare i propri clienti. There are several tools available to businesses: from the collection of contacts from the site to online booking services, as well as marketing campaigns via email or SMS.

To get the most out of the tools available, it is essential to set your own goals and have a good organization in their implementation. By using online services that allow you to collect customer data, keep them organized, record payments, share documents with customers and suppliers, you will have more time to focus on your business. In this way, you can make your presence felt online, promoting your services and products to reach your target audience and achieve your goals.

Customer conversion and retention: why it matters

When planning a marketing strategy, the first step is to understand who are the potential customers of the product or service offered by your business. A good profiling of your target audience allows you to choose the best tools to make your online presence felt and to get conversions, from simply filling out a form and signing up for a newsletter that allow you to collect contacts of interested customers, to a purchase directly from your site. Once a conversion has been achieved, the next step is to build loyalty: consolidate the customer's positive opinion of your product or service, so that they will return for a subsequent purchase.

Customer loyalty: how to plan your strategy

Conversion allows your business to obtain the customer's contact information, which will be entered into an address book and will be the starting point for creating an ongoing dialogue, so that you can start the loyalty process. In outlining the objectives of your online business, it is important to take into account all the data collected on the customer, which will be analyzed to understand their needs, so as to plan a marketing strategy that allows you to offer new solutions in line with their profile and provide a customer care service that can solve any problems quickly and effectively, making the presence of the business felt even after the sale.

Involving and retaining customers: how to implement the strategy

Once the business has created its address book and contact database, it will have everything it needs to implement its strategy through email marketing or SMS campaigns. These types of tools allow you to keep your customers updated on the latest brand initiatives, new products coming in or even special offers dedicated to them.

You will have the ability to be able to track the results of the marketing campaigns launched, both via email and SMS, in a more targeted way. Obtaining this data is important, because it allows you to both automate your campaigns and optimize them if the results are not what you hoped for, so you can correct your strategy as you go.

Also, there are services like Italiaonline's Organizzazione that allows you to collect contacts and automate email and sms campaigns. This will allow companies to spend more time on their business, so they can improve their products and services, but at the same time provide pre- and post-sales support to have satisfied and loyal customers.