FaceApp, how the new filter that makes you change sex works

FaceApp is back in fashion with a new filter that allows you to change the sex of people: here's how it works and the dangers to privacy

After the filter that made people age (or rejuvenate) FaceApp is back in fashion, the application that allows you to apply very special filters on images. Also this time the credit (or the fault) is a new filter introduced recently that allows people to change sex. Just upload a photo, apply the filter, and magically you are transformed into a woman (if you are a man) or a male (if the photo is of a female).

On social media the FaceApp mania has broken out again: thousands of posts with their modified image or with that of famous actors or actresses. The hashtag #FaceApp has become trending topic again and is one of the most used in recent days. On the other hand, the ease of use of FaceApp favors its virality: it takes only a few seconds to see your face completely changed. And who doesn't have the curiosity to find out how it will be in twenty years or how it would have been if he had been born with the opposite sex?

How the filter works to change sex on FaceApp

How would Angelina Jolie be if she were a man? And Brad Pitt as a woman? These questions are answered by the filter added by FaceApp that allows you to change a person's sex. How does it work? You have to open the application, upload the photo of a person and wait for the image editor to appear on the screen. At the bottom, among the available filters, there is also Sex: by pressing on Male or Female, the artificial intelligence comes into operation and in a few seconds you change the sex of the person.

FaceApp, the privacy issue

When last year FaceApp became one of the most downloaded applications on the Google Play Store and the App Store, many began to investigate who was the software house that had developed it. And soon the first problems and doubts emerged. When you upload an image it is transferred to the company's servers to apply artificial intelligence filters, an issue that has always made cybersecurity experts much debate.