Linkedin is the ultimate job search platform: here's how it works and how to find a job more easily.
More and more people are using LinkedIn, the social network focused on creating and developing professional contacts. Whether you are offering or finding work, this platform is very versatile and can prove extremely useful, regardless of the type of position you are searching for.
With more than 575 million users worldwide, of which more than 13 million only in Italy, together with 500 thousand companies present on the platform, LinkedIn is one of the preferred methods of employment research for many people who, day after day, are able to make the most of its potential to network and discover the right job at the right time (so much so that LinkedIn, lately, has also been targeted by hackers and scammers). The opportunities are certainly not lacking and, once understood the mechanisms of operation of this special social network, it is possible to create your own network of contacts through which to create new job opportunities, collaborations and network to exchange ideas and useful information.
LinkedIn, how to create your profile to find work
First, once you have registered to the portal you must set up your Linkedin profile and keep it constantly updated. Inside, it is essential to include information about previous jobs, courses of study and possible specializations, just like a real paper resume. In addition, in the brief initial introduction it may be appropriate to communicate what your job requirements are, as well as the willingness to move outside your municipality of residence in case of a particularly interesting opportunity.
To give an even stronger and immediate signal, you can also use the frame for your profile image with the hashtag #OpenToWork, so as to show recruiters your willingness to embark on a new career. The same can be set within your profile, or used with its native hashtag function within your posts. Once you've done that, all you have to do is keep an eye on your LinkedIn inbox for new job offers.
A key aspect is "networking", i.e. creating links with other people on the platform to improve visibility in the eyes of a potential recruiter. That's why it's very important to widen your knowledge, develop your own personal network and create connections inside and outside your own sector.
An extra point goes to the possibility of asking for referrals, that is a confirmation of your working skills by people within your circle. Not only will you be able to showcase your skills, but you'll also be able to see them confirmed by those who have had the opportunity to see the work you've done in the past.
LinkedIn, targeted applications with the Career Explorer
Once you've completed the profile creation phase, it's important to start checking what positions are open for which to apply. Based on your characteristics and previous experience, the platform suggests the most suitable new opportunities and for which you have the most skills.
With Career Explorer you can assess at a glance if you are in the right position, thanks to a quick comparison between the skills reported by the user to the platform and those required by the recruiter. Moreover, by reporting the skills still to be acquired, the candidate can carefully evaluate any skills useful for his career, to be included in his constant training process.
LinkedIn, how to search and set notifications
A fundamental part of the job search is, to all intents and purposes, the selection of available opportunities. With LinkedIn, you can search by position, location, remote work opportunity, industry or even company.
Also, to stay up-to-date and never miss an offer, you can set up notifications according to the above criteria. In this way, the platform will notify you of each new offer that meets your requirements, speeding up the application process on every occasion.
LinkedIn, courses and evaluations to stay up to date
Between one search and another, the platform provides free courses to improve your position in the world of work, as well as to refine the skills acquired or increase your cultural background. Similarly, by passing some tests on a wide variety of topics, from programming to the use of specific software, LinkedIn issues badges, or mini profit certificates that can confirm the skills in the eyes of employers, completely free and all to be exploited.